Chapter 10

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"Oh McDonald's, how I've missed you," America moaned as he took a bite of his Big Mac. The food the Italies made was great, but nothing could beat his Mickey D's. And baseball's back! He grabbed the remote. America's the best.

"Yo, Italies! Do you want...oh," he frowned. He wasn't used to being without them. I think I actually miss them and their antics.

America was brought out of his thoughts by a loud banging at his door. He bolted up from the couch and ran over to see who it was.

"Hey, Bossman!" The blond said with a smile as he pulled the door all the way open. "What brings you here?"

"Mr. America, just what exactly have you and the two Italian brothers been doing for the past few weeks?" the president asked as he stepped into the nation's house.

"Uh...." America's face paled as he thought over the events of their time together. "...Chillin'?"

"So you haven't promised to back them militarily should they attempt to invade another country?" the human said suspiciously.

"What? No! What are you talking about? We never even discussed-" America was interrupted by the tune of 'Let it Be.' He held up a finger to the president as he answered his phone. "Hey, Iggy, now's not really a good time, can I-"

"No you bloody well cannot!" the superpower flinched away from his phone.

"Geez, Artie, there's no need to yell. I haven't even done anything." He paused. "Have I?"

"Oh," England growled, "so you didn't tell Romano that if he decided to invade my pool house that you would give your full support?"

"No! Why would I say that? You don't have a pool house. You don't even have a pool!"

"That's what I said!" There was a sigh on the other end of the line. " with them, would you? I have enough to deal with without them wreaking havoc in my own backyard."

"Don't worry, I'll talk to them."

"Thanks. Glad to be home, then?"

"Oh yeah. See ya later, dude." America disconnected before turning to face the president. "Sorry, boss. I think I figured out what's going on. I'll deal with it right now."

"See to it that you do." The president turned to leave.

"Hold on a sec, I have a report for you. I was gonna swing by the office tomorrow, but lemme grab it now since you're here." The nation walked to his room.

"Glad to see you weren't slacking on your vacation," the leader smirked, following his country. He knew that while America may appear to be a slacker, he was actually over dedicated to his job.

"It wasn't a vacation, I was kidnapped! They made me get suits and – oh god, the shoes. There were so many shoes." America shuddered.

"Well it certainly sounds like you had your hands full." His brow furrowed as his eyes landed on America's closet. "Interesting hobby you got there."

"Huh?" America's eyes followed the path of his superior's to the closet full of dresses and turned bright red. "Those aren't - I mean – there was a fire-" he stammered.

"And the only thing left in stock anywhere in the country was dresses?"

"No, but I-"

"Hey, what you do in your free time is up to you. If you're more comfortable as a girl-"

"No! That's not – I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that, but you know what? Here's that file." America thrust the folder into his boss's hands and began pushing him out the door. "It's been great seeing you, have a good night, if you mention this to anyone you're dead." He slammed the door in his boss's laughing face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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