Chapter 12- Dreams In Action

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"Darling, I'm home," She sang, my office door flying open as she jumped into the room, the happiest glint in her violet eyes.

"I can see that," I chuckled, standing up from my seat, and walking towards her, picking her up in my arms and spinning us around as I craned my head back for her, and without needing me to voice my thoughts, she leaned down, resting her lips against mine.

"I missed you, Tesoro Mio," I whispered, setting her back down, arms loosely hung around her waist in the same way that hers hung around mine.

"I missed you too... Have you been busy with work?" She asked, head moving to look at all the paperwork that sat atop my desk

"Yes, my work had been piling up while we were on our honeymoon, I'm suffering from the repercussions of pushing it away now," I grumbled, annoyed at myself.

It's nearly been a month since our honeymoon, and both my wife and I were starting to get used to wedded life. She started her dream of becoming a fashion designer, thanks to the recommendation of her former employer, my personal tailor, Mr Paulo Russo. She was working for a larger company as someone's assistant.

"How was work today?" I asked, picking her up in my arms as I went out into the patio that was directly connected to my study.

"As good as it could get for a rookie like me, I've got a lot to learn, and I keep making mistakes, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it... What about you? How is your art gallery going in France?" Sitting her down on one of the garden chairs, I sat down on another one, crossing my legs.

"Adequate. It's making sustainable progress, the construction work is nearly done, and we've got the artists and their artwork lined up and ready for exhibition. If things continue to run smoothly then we'll be opening the gallery this time next year,"

"I guess that's good then," She hummed, leaning forward on the table, fiddling around with the wedding band that sat on her finger.

"What's wrong?" I asked, raising a curious brow.

"Hm, nothing at all... What makes you think that something is wrong?" My brow raised higher; a look probably sat on my face telling her if she really expected me to believe her terrible acting.

"Is work that difficult?" I had easily hit the needle on the head with my guess as she flinched, giving in with a deep sigh. 

She stood up, and without another word, I pushed back on my chair away from the table, giving her enough space as she sat down on my lap sideways. Wrapping her arms around my neck, she leaned forward, resting her head on my shoulder, and I kissed her forehead, fiddling with locks of her black hair.

"It's just... Today, I was hit with the realisation that achieving your dream isn't easy... I don't know what I'm doing wrong, Evan... I have everything planned out, and then when I go to do it, it all goes wrong, and I feel like a black sheep. You need to have the confidence to dream, and I don't have any of that,"

Now, who has been working to get their name added to my hit list?

I told her that I would keep her safe from this world, and I very well plan on doing just that. I will destroy anything and anyone that dares even try to lay a finger on her.

"Amore Mio, if you tell them who your husband is then things will change," I stated, already planning out my course of action in my head, thinking of the best, most merciless way to put these filthy people in their place, most of them being men, no doubt.

"But I want to achieve my dreams based on my own talent, nothing else,"

"Darling, you are my wife. The Duchess of Ludovica, and while I will always, full-heartedly support you, and your dreams, I will not allow it at the cost of your happiness... And, these people need to know how to treat the wife of a Duke, offence to you will be taken by the whole Moretti ancestry, and I will not allow it,"

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