Chapter 34- You Wanted Entertainment

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"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I seethed, slamming the door to my sculpting room open as I glared at the nanny who never seemed to know her place.

"M-Mr Moretti, what are you doing here?" She stuttered out, surprised.

"Do I need a reason to be allowed to visit my own workshop?" Crossing my arms, I raised a brow.

"This is your workshop?... As in, you completed all these sculptures,"

"Yes, you have a problem with that?" My eyes narrowed into a judgemental look, daring her to try and insult me.

"Not at all, I'm just... mildly surprised. I didn't see you as a man that liked to sculpt," She awkwardly replied, a light blush staining her lips as she continued to look around the room, getting on my nerves with every passing second.

"Yes, well, I don't really care what you think of me... There are only four people other than myself that are allowed in this room. My secretary, my butler, the maid that cleans up, and my wife. And unless you've suddenly changed job titles from a nanny to a maid, then I don't think you're supposed to be here,"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know,"

"Of course you didn't," I rolled my eyes, walking further into the room, and walking over to the large statue that stood in the centre of the room, covered by a large piece of cloth. "But since you're here..." I started, gripping onto the cloth.

Gripping onto the cloth, I tugged at the fabric, and with one hard heave, the material came flying off, fluttering around the place as a few dust particles flew around the air before the cloth gently swayed, landing on the ground with a quiet breath.

"This is..." Irene breathed out, large eyes gazing at the white marble statue.

"It was supposed to be a surprise for my wife since I completed it while she was still in her coma. But it seems that you needed to see it first, to take it as a sign that I have no interest in you, and even if Alina were to disappear off the face of the earth, that fact would never change. I have no interest in any part of you, and you need to get that through your head,"

Her eyes ripped away from the completed statue of my wife to look at me.


"And let me make myself clear," I cut her off, taking a step closer to her, eyes narrowed into a glare that even she couldn't have taken as anything else other than a glare. 

"If I ever, and I mean ever, catch you spying on me and my wife again, at any point, whether I'm making love to her, or even simply kissing her cheek and complimenting her; If I catch you, then you can say goodbye to this job that's keeping you off the streets,"

She gulped, hard, peering up at me with large eyes.

"Am. I. Understood?" She quickly nodded her head, and I stood back up straight, fixing the cufflinks on my wrists before taking a step back.

"Then I hope this is the last time that I'll find you snooping around my home like some sort of rodent, and start paying more attention to the job you're being paid to do,"

"I understand, Mr Moretti," She nodded as I hummed, spinning on my heel before leaving the room without another word, sparing one last glance at the statue of my wife. I can't wait to show it to her, she's sure to love it.

"You should get back to work," I said before walking away.

That's sure to quieten Alvise down for some time. He's been nagging at me for the last few days to hurry up and fire her, more now than before because apparently Irene was caught spying on Alvise while he made love to Alina. And I was annoyed too, mostly for letting Alvise get to see more of Alina than me. I swear, that man is fueled by lust directed to none other than Alina.

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