Author's Note

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This is a Pietro Maximoff x Reader, which means Y/n (your name) is the main character.

I do not own Marvel or the Avengers. I do not own the memes at the beginning of the chapters. I only own the character Y/n and the plot.

This story takes places after Civil War. The Avengers didn't sign the original accords so Nick Fury created his own that allowed the Avengers to work under his command.

Pietro and Wanda are both 19 in this story. There's a bit of a mix up in ages for them because Wanda and Pietro are supposed to be 16/17 in Age of Ultron, and Wanda is "still a kid" in Civil War (18/19), but in WandaVision she's 30 so I'm just gonna say that they're both 19. (Sorry that was a bit of a rant).

Also yes, I am aware that Jarvis is now Vision, but I want to add Jarvis into the story because he's cool. Also Coulson because he is precious and I love him.

Key for story:

Y/n: Your name

L/n: Last name

M/n: Mother's name

H/c: Hair colour

H/l: Hair length

E/c: Eye colour

F/n: Father's name

F/b: Favourite book

Other things will be specified within the story if necessary. E.g. (favourite/snack).

I have a Pietro Maximoff playlist!

Link will be commented here:

If it's not working let me know and I'll message you the link.

Other than that enjoy the story! <3

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