Chapter 26

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We were rushed quickly to Shuri's lab as soon as we arrived. We needed to get the Mind Stone out of Vision's head in order for Wanda to be able to destroy it. Wanda refused to do it if it was still attached to Vision. I held her hand comfortingly.

Doctor Strange informed us about the Infinity Stones, and what they were capable of. And, of course, Thanos, and his crazy quest. If we had Thor here with us, things would be a lot easier. Fury had said that he had something better, and disappeared after taking an old pager out of his pocket.

I gazed out of the window, not seeing anything and letting everything process. This was the scariest thing that had ever happened to me. Sure, I'd been on low level missions with Natasha for Shield to build up my field time, but this... this was war. This wasn't just about protecting my planet; it was about protecting the universe.

There was a loud boom that shook the world. I looked up and out of the window to see something big and black crash into the ground outside of Wakanda's shields. More of the alien ships crashed down, but nothing happened.

"It is time to go," T'Challa said.

"Wanda, you stay here and blast the stone as soon as it's out of Vision's head," Steve said.

Wanda was our best player on the field. It was unsettling that she wouldn't be there to help us. If only we had Thor, but he was on Asgard. Wanda nodded slowly, and Pietro kissed the side of her head.

"You'll be okay," Pietro said. "You know, with the stone out of his head, he'll really be a toaster."

Wanda shoved her brother and they both laughed. Pietro then took my hand and we went off to get ready for the battle. My suit was hanging up in a room off of the hall, and I put it on quickly. It was a simple black suit like Natasha's.

Once I was ready I walked out to the others, and we began advancing towards the field. We got into carriers with some Wakandan warriors, and then we were zooming off towards the shield. Once the carriers stopped, everyone slid off the sides and got into formation. Tony, Steve, Nat, Strange, and T'Challa walked over to the shield to speak with two aliens who had appeared. Pietro and I stayed close, and he intertwined our fingers before pressing the back of my hand to his lips.

"Y/n," Pietro said softly. "In case... in case I don't get to say it, I need to tell you... I love you."

I blinked in surprise before kissing him softly.

"I love you, too, Pietro," I said quietly. "But this is not goodbye."

Pietro nodded and rested our foreheads together, and I closed my eyes. If only we were standing back in Edenborough, confessing our love in a less dire situation.

The people at the shield came walking back, and Bucky grabbed Steve's hand softly.

"Did they surrender?" he asked.

Steve shook his head. The ground began to rumble and we looked back to the shield to see strange creatures trying to break through. Parts of their bodies got through the shield before it closed off again, cutting that part of the body away from the rest.

"What the hell?" Bucky said.

"They are killing themselves," Okoye said.

A few creatures were able to break through, and they began to run towards us, brandishing their teeth and claws. The Wakandans shot lasers out of their spears and Bucky shot with his gun. The creatures started circling the dome, causing a slight panic. If they were able to get in behind us, there would be nothing between them and Vision.

"On my signal, open North-West Section seventeen," T'Challa said into his earpiece.

I clutched my weapons tightly and had my power ready. The barrier opened and we all began to run. I stayed near the front with Natasha and Clint while Pietro, T'Challa, and Steve ran off to the creatures. A blue blur passed through the creatures and I prayed that Pietro would be okay.

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