Chapter 21

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I rounded the corner and a loud bang sounded. I looked down to see red splattered all over my shirt, staining the fabric. I looked up and glared at Pietro, and Natasha walked around the corner.

"Do you know what you did wrong?" Natasha asked.

I nodded, twisting the paintball gun in my hands.

"I was only expecting one enemy," I said, sending another glare at my boyfriend.

He cocked his head and grinned at me.

"You always have to expect more enemies," Natasha said. "Again. You have five minutes. Go."

I sighed and ran through the training room. Massive walls had been placed in the training rooms making a maze. I was supposed to defeat Natasha, and now I was supposed to defeat Pietro as well. And maybe more Avengers.

I counted to five minutes in my head and hid behind a wall. Footsteps sounded to my left and I held up my paintball gun. Even though paintballs didn't kill you, they still hurt like a bitch. When the footsteps were close enough, I turned around the corner and shot. Pietro looked down to the red paint splattered on his shirt.

"Um, ouch," he said.

I grinned at him and skipped past him.

"See you later," I said, blowing him a kiss.

Once I turned around the corner I stopped skipping and got back into the Avenger mode. I had to get out of here alive.

I mentally laughed at myself. I felt like I was in some sort of movie.

I got to a wide hallway and ducked behind one of the walls. Footsteps sounded and I turned the corner and shot. Natasha dodged the bullet and shot at me. I used my telekinesis to block it and then sent it flying back at her. She dodged again and got close enough to disarm me. I used my telekinesis to take her gun and she tried to disarm me again, but I kicked her away. Something grabbed my gun arm from behind, and I used my telekinesis to throw them away. I glanced behind me to see Bucky.

The glance cost me.

Natasha was able to sweep my legs out from under me. I hit the floor with a grunt but quickly got back to my feet. Bucky got back to his feet and the two assassins began circling me. Bucky lunged at me and I twirled out of the way. He stood beside Natasha and I held my hand out, a paintball gun flying into my hand. Bucky had his paintball gun pointed at me.

We stood there, our eyes not leaving each other. If he shot, I would catch it with my telekinesis and throw it back. If I shot, he might dodge.

I felt something press against the back of my head.

"Put your gun down," Steve said.

I inhaled deeply and threw my gun on the floor and put my hands up. A split-second later I moved, throwing all three of them away with my telekinesis. I grabbed a gun and shot at them all before looking around to see if there was anyone else.

Natasha clapped slowly.

"Well done," she said. "I reckon you'll be able to get into the field really soon."

I smiled and helped her up. Steve and Bucky got up as well and the latter clapped me on the back.

"Great job, Y/n," Steve said.

"Talking about jobs, I should probably get back to mine," I said.

Natasha nodded, dismissing me, and I waved to everyone before making my way to my room so that I could have a shower. I scrubbed at the paint on my body and was able to get rid of most of it. Once I got out of the shower, I put on a pair of sweats and an oversized shirt before grabbing my laptop from my desk and heading to the common room. I enjoyed working there, because occasionally people would come in and I could hang out with them as well. It was also a lot more comfier than my office.

When I reached the common floor, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist from behind and a kiss was placed against my neck.

"Hello, Printsessa," Pietro murmured. "Sorry for shooting you."

I grinned and turned around, giving him a kiss.

"I'm sorry for shooting you, too," I sighed. "Will another kiss make you feel better?"

Pietro grinned and nodded, and I kissed him softly again before pulling away.

"I need more attention than that," Pietro whined.

I chuckled at him.

"I need to do work," I said, holding up my laptop.

Pietro cocked his head and thought about it for a moment before smiling.

"Cuddles?" he suggested. "That way you can do work too."

I grinned and nodded.

I loved cuddling with Pietro. Most of the time we were a mess of tangled limbs and you couldn't tell which leg belonged to who, but sometimes we could be distinguished. Pietro also liked to lie on top of me a lot, which caused a few problems such as suffocation and squashed ribs. But I still liked it.

Pietro sat down on the couch and I sat down with my back to his chest. His arms snaked around my middle and pulled me close, and I propped my laptop on my knees and started to work.

About an hour later, Pietro had fallen asleep. His soft snores filled my ear as I typed away. It was peaceful here. I liked it.

It was all ruined when my phone began to ring. Pietro woke with a snort and pulled me closer as I answered.

"Hello, Y/n L/n speaking," I said.

Pietro buried his face into my neck.

"Hi, Ms L/n," a voice on the other end said. "We have a delivery in the lobby."

Jarvis hadn't said anything about that.

"Are you sure you've got the right place?" I asked.

"This is the Avenger Tower, yeah?" the voice said.

I chuckled softly to myself.

"Yeah. I'll be right down," I said.

I hung up the phone and turned around to give Pietro a kiss.

"I'll be right back," I said.

Pietro sighed.

"I guess I'll just have to cuddle myself," he said sadly.

I frowned at him and ran my hand through his hair once before standing up and heading to the elevator. The elevator ride was quick and I reached the lobby within less than a minute. I wasn't greeted with the familiar sound of bustling voices - I was greeted with silence.

I looked around the lobby. No one was there.

I turned back to the elevator when I felt a piercing sensation in my neck. My movements began to slow down, and my hand brushed against the side of my neck before I fell to the floor.

Sorry I haven't been updating regularly. I think I've gotten back into the swing of writing seeing as I'm on holidays now and literally have nothing to do lol. But yeah I hope you're enjoying it so far :))

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