Chapter 12

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"I'm really sorry to call you in on a Saturday-"

"It's fine," I said, grabbing my coat.

"No one else could find the file, and I left the mission report to the last minute-"

"Really, Pietro, it's fine," I said, locking my door behind me. "I don't mind coming in. It's only a short walk."

Pietro thanked me, and I hung up and started the walk to the Avengers' Tower.

It had been a few weeks since the training room incident, and since I'd realised that I had a crush on Pietro fricken Maximoff. Things went back to normal between us, and nothing felt awkward, but I still wanted to kiss him every time I saw him. I was pretty sure Wanda knew because she kept giving me looks.

I arrived at the tower and texted Pietro to meet me at my office. When I reached the doors, Pietro was standing there waiting for me.

"I'm really sorry, Printsessa," he apologised. "I really didn't mean for you to have to come in on your day off."

I just shrugged.

"It's fine, Pietro, really," I said. "Besides, it means that I get to see you."

Pietro grinned at me as I sat down and logged into my computer. I searched through my files and found the one Pietro needed. I emailed it to him and printed it as well, just in case.

I got the papers from the printer and held them out for him to take. Pietro's fingers brushed against mine as he took the paper. I smiled softly and he smiled back at me.

God, I loved that smile.

Pietro took a small step towards me, closing the distance between our bodies-

"Y/n? Isn't today your day off?"

I jumped and looked at my doorway to see Steve standing there.

"Steve! What – what are you doing here?" I asked, taking a step back from Pietro.

Steve looked between me and Pietro for a moment before shaking his head.

"Jarvis said you'd arrived at the tower," he said. "I wanted to know why you'd come in on your day off."

I just shrugged.

"Pietro needed some paperwork, and I was more than happy to come and help," I said.

Steve narrowed his eyes at Pietro who put his hands up exasperatedly.

"Okay, yeah, maybe I forgot to do the mission report you told me to do a week ago and I only just remembered today when you told me it was due tomorrow," he said.

I laughed and shook my head. Pietro grinned and Steve gave Pietro a look. Pietro just shrugged dramatically, causing Steve to chuckle once and shake his head at us.

"I'll let you two get back to whatever you were doing," he said. "Unless you want to join Bucky and I for a round of Monopoly?"

I looked to Pietro and shrugged.

"I'm down for that," I said.

Pietro nodded, so we walked with Steve to the common area. Bucky was sitting on the floor, reading the rules of Monopoly.

"The rules are pretty much the same," he told Steve. "Some things are updated to be more modern, but everything's pretty much the same since it came out in '35."

"You two are really old, I keep forgetting," Pietro muttered.

I nudged him lightly and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

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