Chapter 20

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Now I'm back to my lonely house Yaya is still ignoring me my brother talks to when he needs to or when he's checking up on me other than that he doesn't talk to me I just appreciate the fact that he still checks up on me Buhle and Yaya have become really close I could safely say Buhle has replaced me now and I'm not happy but there's nothing I can do about it work has been hectic now I'm eating dinner and drinking wine and I recieve a phone call and it's Lubanzi

Well I'm sure you're wondering who Lubanzi is......he is the guy I told you about the one who uses me for sex only not that I'm complaining but I just wish he would at least look at me as more than his booty call I have feelings for him I won't lie but he has made it clear to me that it's just sex and if I want more or I start developing feelings for then maybe we should stop this arrangement but I don't want that so I just keep my mouth shut I think that will be the best thing to do....


He hangs up....argh this guy why would he call then hang up on me I'm definitely not calling him I have a lot on my plate and he is the last thing on my mind....well he calls again

Me:what is it Lubanzi??

Him:I'm gonna to drop this call and call you again and you better answer in a good manner

Well guess what he drops the call for real.....he is really testing me rhaaa he calls again


Him:hey how are you??

Me:I'm good and you??

Him:I'm listen when I call you next time dont you ever answer my call like that show me some respect I'm not your friend

Me:mxm...why did you call me....and listen here I dont have time for your nonsense today you better say why you called me

One thing I can tell you about Lubanzi is that he is the most arrogant person you would ever meet he is also rude he always demands respect....I'm not going to lie he intimidates me sometimes

Him:open the door


Him:don't make me repeat myself

God why did I speak to him like that I can hear the anger in his voice all the confidence I had is now out the window  the confidence was boasted because he was not in front of me and now he is here what will say now...I quickly go and open the door and he pushes me aside and gets in he is so rude yaz

Him:lock the door

I close the door and do as he says I go the living room and he is sitting the confidently in his work suit this guy is mostly in suits and damn he looks good in them as for his cologne it is so intoxicating and now it smells the whole living room...

Him:woza la(come here)

I go and sit next to him now I'm so nervous and sitting uncomfortably in my fucken house because of this man

Him:this is not the first time ungidelela what did I say to you the first you did it??


Him:Ndaloentle I'm already pissed off and you not answering my question infuriates me

Me:I'm sorry

I have never apologized to any man and I have never submitted to any man but this guy is making me do things that I don't want to do and when I said sorry it was because of the fear I have right now if looks could kill I would be dead right now like literally

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