Chapter 35

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Things are going great between Busani and I and I'm so happy Lindelani hasn't been bothering me that's a relief Aya called and told me how Smiso reacted to the pregnancy I think I need to talk to him he may not be ready Aya is not ready too but getting an abortion is just something else if he didn't want a baby he should have been using a protection Aya needs him now more than ever and he is being childish about this whole situation

I see him sitting alone in the living room Nkosi is upstairs with Busani he hardly wants me to hold him he is always with Busani I get jealous sometimes you know.....anyway I sit next to Smiso on the couch and he looks aup from his phone and smiles at me

Him: hey little sis

Me: hey how are you??

Him: I'm good and you

Me: I'm great....we need to talk Smiso

Him: I think I know what you want us to talk about sis

Me: what you want her to do is unfair Smiso she's pregnant she's not ready for the baby I agree but she can't abort and the baby is already here she's 3 months pregnant she needs you...if you didn't want a baby then you should have used a protection Smiso you should think about her now and stop being selfish she's only 22 she doesn't even know how she will tell her parents she needs you....think about it okay??

He nods and he looks deep in thought I leave him and go upstairs....


I'm leaving tomorrow I just miss Lubanzi a lot and I can't wait for the 3rd of January tomorrow is the 31st so will spend the day together tomorrow and on new years so I'm happy I want to surprise him...well he did go to family for Christmas but he's the kind of person that wants his own space so he went back to his house right after Christmas

Right now I'm packing my bags Buhle walks in and sits on my bed

Buhle: where are you going

Me: ohh I'm going back home

Buhle: weren't you going to leave on the 3rd

Me: I was but I need to go sort out somethings you know

Her: you're smiling so hard are you dating Ndalo??

Me: what?? me??no!!

Her: you have a boyfriend look at you blushing so who is he

Me: you will know when I want you to know now out of my room

Her: but I'm bored

Me: go to Yaya I'm sure she wants your company

Her: she's boo'd up with Busani and hasn't come out if their room

Me: hayke call your husband ke

Her: mxm you're boring

She mumbles as she gets out of my room


I have accepted that I'll raise this child alone since Smiso isn't ready so I've been bonding with my little one and I'm better I've stopped crying all thanks to Yaya right now I'm watching the TV while eating my phone rings and it's Smiso I decline he continues calling until I decide to answer it

Me: hello

*****I answer dryly******

Him: hi baby how are you

Me: I'm good and you??

Him: I'm great uhm so how has your day been going??

Me: just get to the point why did you call me Smisokuhle?

Him: yho....uhmm baby I want you to keep it I mean the baby

Me: I was going to keep it whether you want to be a part of the babies life or not so I really don't care what you have to say right now Smiso

Him: Baby I know I messed up and I'm sorry I thought about how I was unfair on you and how I should have thought of the consequences of not using protection I want to be there for you and the baby my love please forgive me and give me another chance to be there for you

I start crying this pregnancy is making so fucking emotional I'm so pissed off

Him: Baby please don't cry I'm sorry

I keep quiet

Him:Baby are you still there talk to me baby please are you going to give me another chance??

Me: I will think about it Smiso

Him:okay so how is the morning sickness and all that

Me:it's nothing I can't handle

Him:when is the first appointment

Me:next week

Him:can I come??please Baby

Me: yes you can come if that's what you want I'm not trying to push the baby on you

Him: Aya come on baby I want to be there really please don't be like this sthandwa Sam



Well after the chat with Smiso I found Busani and Nkosi sleeping so I just took a nap too I feel something a little bit heavy on top of me and I feel small hands on my face and wet kisses I open my eyes and it's Nkosi he is smiling so hard I just also smile


Me:hello baby

I kiss his cheeks and he giggles

Busani:where are my kisses

I look up and see Busani laying beside looking at me

Me:hey sthandwa Sam

I lean up and give him a kiss then pull back but he leans in and deep kisses me shoving his tongue in my mouth Nkosi starts crying we pull back and reaches for Busani this child loves Busani more than yho Busan takes him and he starts smiling and kisses Busani all over his face and I chuckle

Busani:so when are we leaving??

Me:you want us to leave already??

Busani:you know I like my space where I can anything I like at my own time and you know I do that when we are in our house now we are my parents house and the walls are not soundproof and you know that you're a screamer so we can't do it here

Me:yho Busani you didn't have to go that deep we will leave maybe on the 2nd ke how about that

Him:that's good you know I miss being inside you

Me:Baby stop saying these things infront of the Nkosi

Him:no baby he should know how to satisfy a woman like I satisfy you

Me:who said you do??


*****I laugh so loud*****

Me:I'm joking baby yho

Him:you better be you know that I f you till you can't walk properly I know my game

Me:confidence engaka sana

Him:I know that I give a good f Mina

I laugh and he laughs too and we look at Nkosi he is grabbing my boobs I'm sure he wants me to feed him

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