Chapter 22

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I guess good things don't last.....I'm heavily pregnant I look like a hippo I have gained weight and I'm close to my due date things were going well with my marriage until lately my husband has been distant he goes to work when I'm still asleep and comes home when I have already slept it's like his avoiding me it has been happening for weeks now and I don't know what to do or maybe I'm overthinking this I want to talk to him but like I said I hardly see him he never checks up on how I'm doing anymore and whenever I call him it's like I'm boring him or something because he always wants to end the call quickly.......

Could he be cheating on me....I mean if he is that would really break my heart I have fallen for him and it hasn't been long since we gave our marriage a chance and I'm pregnant with his baby right now I just finished having shower I'm thinking of calling him..yeah let me call him it rings he answers when I'm about to drop the call.....


Me:hey are you??

Him:Buseka did you call me to ask how I'm doing I'm very busy???

Okay....what did I do I mean he mostly calls me Buseka when he is angry

Me:I'm sorry I just wanted us to talk

Him:about what??

Me:can we talk when you get home and please come home early tonight please I miss you baby

Him:you missing me and wanting talking to me won't put money in my bank account

Me:baby please I'm pregnant-....

Him:Buseka listen here you're pregnant not dying so please leave me alone I'll come home when I want to back off marn I'm also busy stop calling me non stop

He hangs up on me now I'm crying my eyes out what happened to him why is he talking to me like the arrogant and rude Busani Bhengu back??


Well well I did say he was going to come back to me didn't I??I know Busani loves me and he always will that Yamihle thought she's the shit well guess what??she thought wrong Busani is here with me and when she was calling him he was with me in bed cuddling me after our heated session he put her on loudspeaker and damn was it funny hearing her cry.....I don't care that Ndalo doesn't see me good enough for her brother anymore I got him back at the end of the day......Busani hangs up on Yamihle

Him:she's annoying the fuck out of me she's so clingy lately

Me:don't mind her baby you're with me now

He kisses me and the rest is history this guy is so good in bed and I love him....



Today Ndalo has come to visit me well she said she wanted to check up on how I'm doing that's nice of her even though I'm not in the mood for anything today I'm stressed my marriage is falling apart I know he is cheating but I don't know with who and I just don't car at this point the last time I tried talking to him I recieved a slap on my face so the only thing keeping me going is my baby I can't wait to meet my son

As we are chatting I recieve a text message and it's from a number I don't know I open it and it's a picture of Busani and Amanda together in bed and then there's a video then the person says 'I told you he would come back to me' it's obviously Amanda sending this.....Ndalo sees that I'm not okay and asks if I'm fine I tell her I'm good and change the subject

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