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I jumped in front of Rom, flinging the door to his locker close, effectively startling him

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I jumped in front of Rom, flinging the door to his locker close, effectively startling him. He cursed as his book flew out of his hands.

"What's your problem?" he snapped as he bent down to pick up his Statistics textbook. "Who are you?"

I smiled, even though my gut twisted at the utterance of the second question. I spent days learning about his schedule like a creepy stalker. I followed him everywhere, I talked to him, I tried to be his friend. Over the days, we even had some fun conversations.

All of those faded like the breeze and I was back to square one with Rom.

Stupid reset.

Instead of letting my disappointment show, I arranged my face into a mischievous grin. "I'm Jule, don't you remember? We watched the Sword of Destiny on Travis's tablet the other day!"

He looked at me like I dropped from another planet. "What's 'remember'?"

"Seriously?" I demanded. "Don't you have English or something?"

Mind, that was a jab for me as well. I only got Trigonometry, Earth Sciences, Biology, and Art on loop. And Rom, well, he had Statistics, Physics, French, and Technical Drafting.

But it's impossible that he didn't know what the word 'remember' means. It's unbelievable.

Rom was still looking at me like he's waiting for an explanation. I sighed. "Well, to remember is to be aware of the stuff in your brain and bring them forward as memories when you need them."

"That's deep," Rom said, scratching his head. "You should sign up for Creative Writing as an elective. I hear they have really good poets over there."

This lack of empathy or curiosity infuriated me. I staked everything on him and this was how he returned it? It's not enough that I was going out of my way to help him be more than what he was. It's not enough that I was the only one trying. This...this was too much.

I shook my head. God, what was with those thoughts? I must be going crazy.

Of course, Rom wouldn't care about anything I say. It's not like we really became friends. The loop caused all of this to happen. It's not Rom's fault he couldn't remember.

Still, I found all of it unfair.

I took a deep breath and looked at Rom in the eye once again. "Wanna hang out after school?" I asked. "I know of a great ice cream place we should try out."

Like clockwork, he stared at me coldly. "Sorry, I got to go and pick up my sister from school," he said, his voice without any hint of emotion. "I'm sure some of your classmates could accompany you."

With that, he turned and began walking towards his first period classroom just as the bell rang. I was left standing still like a jilted lover. The only thing lacking was rain and this would have been a perfect Hollywood break-up scene.

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