Chapter One: The Creation

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~ Deep within the world of humans, Kreztuva, lies a hidden kingdom of vampires known as Etherezereferera. Its very existence is shrouded in mystery, surrounded by impenetrable black magical barriers that conceal it from the eyes of mortals. ~

Within the kingdom, a creation was taking place. It was a process that had been undertaken only a handful of times in the kingdom's long history. The elders had gathered, their eyes fixed upon the young vampire who lay motionless on the stone altar. The room was bathed in an eerie red glow, casting ominous shadows across the faces of the gathered vampires.

The elders began to chant, their voices rising and falling in a haunting melody. The air crackled with energy as they called forth the ancient magic that would bring the young vampire to life. Slowly, the vampire began to stir, its body writhing in agony as it struggled to break free of the spell's grasp.

As the chanting reached a crescendo, the young vampire's eyes snapped open, glowing with an otherworldly light. It let out a deafening scream that echoed throughout the kingdom, signaling the success of the creation. The elders stepped back, their faces filled with a mixture of awe and fear as they gazed upon the newly created vampire.

The kingdom of Etherezereferera had gained a new member, a being born of ancient magic and dark power. It was a creature unlike any other, with abilities and strengths that surpassed those of its fellow vampires. And yet, with this great power came a great responsibility, for the young vampire now had a role to play in the kingdom's future.

Elizabeth jolted awake from a long dream, her heart racing and her body drenched in sweat. She knew that the dream held great significance, for every detail was vivid and clear in her mind.

As she lay there, trying to calm her racing heart, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The dream had been intense and filled with imagery that seemed to hold a deeper meaning. She felt as though she had been transported to another world, a world filled with wonder and danger.

Despite her fear, Elizabeth couldn't shake the feeling that the dream was trying to tell her something. Perhaps it was a warning or a message from her subconscious. Whatever the case may be, she knew that she needed to unravel the meaning behind the dream.

The following day...

In the dark kingdom of Etherezereferera, the rain poured down in sheets, the only illumination coming from the occasional flash of lightning that illuminated the corridors with a blinding light. The howling wind accompanied the deafening thunder, creating an atmosphere of dread and foreboding. The darkness that surrounded the kingdom threatened to become as black as the events that were about to unfold, or perhaps even darker.

Lucio stood at the window of his office, gazing out at the stormy night sky. Tears from the raindrops trickled down the windowpane, mirroring the sadness that filled his heart. As he stood there lost in thought, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching his door. After a few seconds, there were three consecutive knocks before the door finally opened.

"Good evening, Mister Lucio," Adele greeted him respectfully. "Your siblings are already waiting at the meeting room, waiting for you to start the meeting.

Lucio was the eldest of the eight siblings who led the entire clan of vampires who sided with them. They had chosen to turn away from darkness, having escaped the cruel leadership of Zaphiropoulos, Lucio's uncle and the brother of his late father, the former King of the vampires. Despite his familial relationship with Zaphiropoulos, Lucio and his siblings had opposed his tyrannical rule. Together, they had built a new force against Zaphiropoulos and all the vampires who embraced darkness.

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