Chapter Five: Azeil Ash Ajero

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Azeil Ash Ajero

Mireia and Orio spent hours conversing about their lives. Mireia was surprised to learn that Orio had been living in the world of Etaña for almost a thousand years. Despite this, she found that she easily connected with him, sensing his kind and gentle nature.

"I can sense that you have already mastered your various magical abilities related to wind and plants, such as aerokinesis, aeroportation, conjuring, atmoskinesis, chlorokinesis, florakinesis, and many more," Orio began as he began Mireia's training.

"Now, it's time for you to try using your magical abilities related to earth, water, and fire," he said seriously, his eyes fixed on Mireia.

Mireia was eager to complete her training so that she could fulfill her mission. She knew that as time went on, more mortals would fall victim to Zaphiropoulos' project. Zaphiropoulos sacrificed the blood and souls of mortals to achieve his goals, and Mireia was certain that he would require many more before he was satisfied. Moreover, she was determined to help the magical beast in Etaña with their problems, especially the threat posed by the demon beasts that currently ruled the land.

As Mireia trained, she felt a deep sense of purpose and responsibility. She knew that the fate of many lives rested on her shoulders, and she was determined to do everything in her power to protect them. She imagined the mortal souls that Zaphiropoulos had already claimed, their blood and essence used to fuel his dark ambitions. She saw the demon beasts that terrorized the people of Etaña, their eyes filled with malice and hunger.

But Mireia also saw hope. She saw the potential for good in her own abilities, and in the strength and resilience of the people she was fighting for. She saw the beauty of the natural world around her, the wind and the plants that she had come to understand so well. And she saw Orio, his kind eyes and gentle smile, a steady presence in the chaos of their world.

In this world of magic and danger, Mireia knew that she had much to learn and much to fight for. But she was ready, and she would not rest untill she reach her goals.

"Aquatic respiration, cryokinesis, hydrokinesis, geokinesis, granulation, terrakinesis, terraportation, pyrokinesis, and thermokinesis are just some of the magical abilities related to earth, water, and fire that you will be practicing," Orio repeated.

Mireia listened attentively, while Adele and Adelaide watched from a distance in silence.

"In addition to those, I'm sure you can also use heliokinesis, invisibility, levitation--"

"Like this?" Mireia interrupted playfully, lifting Orio off the ground with her mind. Orio looked at her seriously and spoke calmly.

"Please, put me down, Your Majesty."

Mireia complied and became serious again.

"Aside from what I've already mentioned, I'm sure you can also use heliokinesis, invisibility, levitation, photokinesis, crystallokinesis, shapeshifting, sight or vision, summoning, telekinesis, telepathy, theurgy, umbrakinesis, umbrageous teleportation, and many more. With practice, your hidden powers will soon emerge," Orio continued.

"Now, try creating a fireball using your mind, Your Majesty. You need to focus," Orio said seriously.

Mireia created a fireball with her hands, but she couldn't control it and it flew in Orio's direction. Orio quickly ran away to avoid the fireball. Mireia commanded the water from the fountain to put out the fire, but Orio ended up soaking wet. Mireia laughed while watching Orio catching his breath as he returned to his previous position.

"Try it again, Your Majesty," Orio commanded, standing tall as if nothing had happened. He paid no attention to the water that had been commanded by Mireia.

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