Chapter Four: The Dance With a Fox

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The Dance With a Fox

August 08

And so the much-awaited day finally arrived, Mireia's birthday. For Mireia, a birthday is just like any other day. Nothing new, nothing special, and nothing out of the ordinary. She was alone in her room, sitting by the wide expanse of her window, quietly gazing out at their home's vast garden. It was the garden she grew up in, the only place she could visit. At times, she couldn't understand why her mother was so strict with her and why she wouldn't let her go out. Sometimes, she couldn't help but wonder if their lives were in danger or if her mother was hiding something from her.

Lost in deep thought, she was suddenly jolted by the sound of voices. They seemed to be whispering in the wind, greeting her a happy birthday. After a few moments, she felt the movement of every plant she could see. She smiled at the message conveyed by each one of them. Slowly, she raised her right hand and waved in gratitude to them before deciding to leave her room.

"We're so disappointed, Adele," Dazzereo expressed his disappointment.

"From our world, we have been observing your upbringing of Mireia. You have gone against our agreement in raising her. You kept her true self hidden from her. Instead of preparing her and making her ready for her encounter with Zaphiropoulos, you kept her caged. Do you know that millions of people have become victims of Zaphiropoulos because of his project in Etherezereferera?" Elva added.

Adele lowered her head in shame as she faced Mireia's eight spirit servants. They were now in a secluded corner of the garden, engaged in a serious discussion. As they had revealed, they returned on Mireia's eighteenth birthday to officially introduce themselves.

"We understand why you kept the truth from Mireia. However, you cannot hide it from her forever," Elva added.

"Did you know that because of what you've done, Mireia's sibling, who is currently in a deep slumber, might be awaken?" Flameo spoke up, shocking Adele. The spirits looked at each other with questioning eyes.

"What do you mean? Mireia has a sibling? B-But that's impossible..." Adele stuttered in confusion. The spirits exchanged glances before explaining what they had discovered while observing Mireia's growth.

"While we were monitoring Mireia's development, we noticed her aura changing. Sometimes, it turns dark. We studied the events of the night when the siblings performed the ritual. They didn't just create one, but two beings. However, one was not fully formed and instead lived in Mireia's heart. It will awaken with hatred and extreme malice. There will come a time when it may take over Mireia's body, and what we fear the most... it is not like Mireia," Elva narrated.

"What do you mean?" Adele asked, alarmed by what she had just learned.

"Mireia's twin is a hybrid demon," Foreoz replied.

Adele covered her mouth in shock, the line echoing in her ears. She was afraid of what could happen.

"Each of us here knew that the book they used is not just any ordinary book. It is Lucia's most powerful book. We witnessed how dangerous it can be. Every time its contents are used, there is a price to pay. It always seeks life; souls. Did you know that Lucia sacrificed her soul to a powerful demon god to attain the power contained in that book? And to this day, the demon god still preys on souls through the book. So as much as possible, do not use Lucia's book," Breezereia explained in detail.

They were startled by the presence of a powerful force coming from behind them. When they turned around, they saw Mireia. She was now shrouded in a dark aura, tears visible on her cheeks. She had apparently been listening to their conversation and heard everything clearly.

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