Saving Sudo

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L: "allright lets continue"

"where are you going, Ayanokouji kun?"

"To the bathroom."

I exited the classroom and quickly walked towards the staff room. While wondering whether or not Chiyabashira-sensei had already reached the staff room, I saw her looking out the window, standing still in the hallway. As if she was waiting for someone.

Ike: "wait, this is when Ken failed the midterms right?"

Sudo: "damn it Kanji, no need to remind me about that time"

Ike: "s-sorry"

"Ayanokouji, class will start soon."

"Sensei. Is it fine if I ask you one question?"

"...A question? Is that why you ran after me?"

"I have something to ask of you."

"And what is it?"

"Do you think that today's Japanese society is fair?"

Shinohara: "your friend is about to get expelled and that's what you do?"

Miyamoto: "what a boring question"

Manabu: "its actually interesting if you ask me"

Arisu: "I agree with you right there, president. Well, the defects just can't understand"

2-D: "hah! what did you say!"

Arisu: "fufufu, the dogs are getting mad"

Ryuuen: "kukuku, daring as always you loli"

Koenji: "my my, quite a chaotic situation I got myself into"

"What a sudden change in topic. Do you get anything out of it even if I answer?"

"It's very important."

"If I speak my opinion, then no, it's not fair. Not one bit"

"Yes, I also think the same way. Fairness and equality is a lie."

"Did you chase after me to ask that question? If that's all, I'm leaving."

"One week ago, when you told us that the test material had changed, you said something like this: 'I forgot to tell the class.' Because of that, the notice reached us about a week after the other classes were informed about it."

2-B: "Imagine given the wrong topic"

Ike: "I know right, that's not fair!"

Miyamoto: "that's ridiculous!"

Hosen: "haha! to think the milf is trolling her own students"

Chabasira sensei glared at Hosen

"I said that in the staff room. So what?"

"Even though all the questions, our points, and the threat of expulsion is the same among all classes, only class D is treated unfairly."

"Are you saying you can't agree to that? But it's a good example. I guess you could call it a micro example of our unfair society today."

"Of course, no matter how positively you look at it, the world is an unfair place. However, we are humans that can think and act."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm trying to say that it should seem equal at least."

Hirata: "he's right Sensei. You should not do that"

Classroom Of the elite-your typical cliche reaction. Oh, and Oneshots tooWhere stories live. Discover now