Some nice pool time

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Fr season 2 trailer just reignited my interest for KiyoKei

Anyways here's the chap


L: "Allright you guys."

Everyone: "Yes?"

L: "Let's react into something wholesome for once."

"Ah, I'm tired......"

Soon, Karuizawa appeared slapping my back.

Random: "They're on the pool?"

Random 2: "When's the timeline?"

L: "First year's summer break. Happened last year."

Random: "Oohh...."

Kiyo: (Poor Sudo and Ike. Their secret boutta get exposed.)

Kei: (Ah...good old times...)

Sato: (Damn, they knew each other that long?)

Suzune: (Who would've thought they're already involving themselves with each other this soon.)

"Good work, how was it?"

"It was as you said. I'm feeling really disgusted about it."

"Don't say that. You could say it's the hot blood of youth flying off the handle."

Ike: "Excuse me but I'm so lost here."

Sudo: "So do I."

Sotomura: "Me too..."

Everyone: "Us too. What tf happened?"

L: "Oh...the context will be explained soon enough." I said with a grin.

Karuizawa, who stood beside me, made a sound as if vomiting then gave a look at her surroundings.

"So how was it? Been a long time since you last went to the pool?"

"It's nothing, really. I don't really feel anything but......"

She examined the area once more worryingly.

"Even though it's a lie, I'm still seeing Hirata-kun. If I'm seen alone with you, weird rumours may start spreading, you know."

"Really? If I was as handsome as Hirata that may be so, though sadly to say, my presence is pretty bleak. We probably look like one of the groups who came to play at the pool."

Girl: "Eh? you're joking right? you looked pretty good, Ayanokoji kun."

Girl 2: "Yeah, Ayanokoji kun."

Kikyo: "Right?! he's ranked 4th after all."

Suzune: "Can't deny that."

Kiyo: (huh, I guess these events are really making me stand out.)

Perverts: (Tch, Ikemen.)

Meanwhile a certain blonde is not jealous at all.

This wasn't a situation where a boy and a girl being together would mean something suspicious. It would be different if it was evening at a bench nobody frequented. Since it was crowded it was easy to blend in. By the way, Hirata, who acted as the boyfriend, was nowhere to see at the pool. Probably busy with the club. I don't know about the soccer club practises but from what I've heard, he is one active guy.

Girls: "Yeah, Hirata kun wasn't there even for a minute."

Hirata: "Ahahah...I'm kinda busy, I guess.."

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