A great way to start winter vacation (I)

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Remember that announcement where I say I will update this chap at friday? yep. Its just a feint. I'll update it today lololol, sucks to be you guys who believed it lololololol haha ded lmao lolololol.

Anyways, here is the chapter.


L: "allright y'all. You guys remember Ayanokoji said 'can you bury me' to Sakayanagi?"

Random: "yes."

L: "Do you want to see how capable is he?"

Everyone except those who're jealous to him: "YES"

L: "Aight, lets see the biggest event that you guys missed because it happened behind the scenes."

Naturally, everyone was excited. Ayanokoji just sighed and Ryuuen just grins.

"lecture is over. And this marks the start of your winter break. Enjoy yourself and don't do anything stupid. Goodbye."

With that, Sakagami left the classroom. I've been waiting for this moment. That old hag's lecture was boring as heck damn it.

Sakagami: (Why am I not suprised?)

Kanzaki: "You said we will see a big event, but why you give us Ryuuen that's going to have a vacation?"

Everyone nodded.

Ryuuen: "Kukuku, is it just me having a vacation?"

L: "Keep watching."

"Ishizaki, Albert, Ibuki, I'm going to confront X right now. And you guys have to come"

Everyone: "WHAT!"

Arisu: "fufufu, so dragon boy san will confront X huh? I'm excited."

Kiyo: (ah, this brings back memory.)

Meanwhile, the smart students glanced at Ayanokoji while stupid students are still confused.

"of course Ryuuen san/Boss"

"fine. Its not like I have anything to do at all."

"what about you Hiyori, Kaneda, Wanna come? kukuku"

"ahh, sorry Ryuuen kun. I just want to have some good sleep right now. Hehehe"

 "same here."

Kiyo: (what, Ryuuen seriously invited Hiyori to confront me?) Kiyotaka thought as he glared at Ryuuen

Ryuuen: (kukuku, he must be mad that I even consider to invite Hiyori at that day.) thought Ryuuen who thinks he's gonna get beaten up real soon.

"kukuku, that's unfortunate. C'mon you three, get your asses moving right now."

With that, Ishizaki, Albert, And Ibuki followed me to the rooftop.

"So, Ryuuen. Do you even know how you're going to lure him?"

Ike: "Ah yes. Ryuuen said he will confront X. But did he even have a way to meet with him?"

Ryuuen: "I always have my ways, tissue boy. Watch and learn."

Again, everyone laughed at Ike's nickname.

"I'm calling Karuizawa out to the rooftop today. I got Karuizawa's mail address from a woman who exchanged numbers with her. Of course, I made sure she knew I'm the one who sent her that mail".

Kei's entire gang: "Karuizawa san?!"

Chiaki: (I get that Karuizawa san can be used to lure Ayanokoji kun out. But that time they're not even dating yet. It'll be suprising to see if he actually comes to save someone who means nothing to him.)

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