Prologue - 18 Years Old

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**** SQUEAL! OMG! The time has come! I am so freaking excited to share this story with you!

Who else is excited!?!?!?!?!

I can't wait to have all of you fall in love with Lucian and Abby (if you haven't already!)

Thank you for joining me on another EPIC Vanderbrooke adventure! I have come to love all of these characters and I hope you have too!

For my new readers that are just joining us, there are 4 books that come before this! This IS a standalone and can be read on its own, however I highly recommend reading the other books first! It will give you some great background into a lot of the side characters!

Now, let's get this party started!! Happy reading! ****


Recommended reading order

The Devil's Looking Glass
Angel's Silhouette
Double Reflection
The Rise of Raven
Lusting After Lucifer
His Shy Sphinx
Ace's Secret Addiction
The Desires of Diablo


Abby - 18 years old

"Why in the hell are we still doing this? We're adults for Christ sakes." The mini devil crossed his arms over his chest, huffing loudly, glaring at his twin sister Lilly.

She smiled back at him sweetly, pulling his arms from his chest and taking his hands. "It's tradition, Lucie. We have to! Until we are all married off and have kids of our own to take over, we will continue to do this."

"Thirty-minute warning!" Their dads head popped out from the swinging kitchen door with a big grin on his face, a Santa hat on his head and his 'Chef Daddy' apron on.

I smiled back at my uncle, then turned to Lucian. "It's go time. Ethan is it this year. He was the first to be found."

Ethan grumbled from the couch, standing up. "I'm always the first to be found. Why can't we just alternate every year to make it fair. When was the last time that Lilly had to go first? I can't even remember."

"That's because I fucking rock at this." My best friend winked at him with a sly grin. "You know what, fine. I will be a good sport and be it this year. Get going!"

Lilly covered her eyes and began the countdown. "100, 99, 98..."

Their younger sister Lexie was already on the move, darting out of the living room.

I bolted, running as fast as my feet could take me, my bright, thick red curls bouncing behind me. Pausing as I entered the next corridor, I debated. Up or down, up or down?

Lucian bolted past me, further down the hall. Decision made. I ran up the main staircase, my footsteps thundering loudly on the marble stairs. I wasn't worried. I had already made up my mind of where I was going. She would never find me.

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