Wedding Day (Last Chapter in The Rise of Raven)

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**** This is the ending of The Rise of Raven and takes place approximately 5 years after the prologue. Feel free to skip if you have already read it. ****


3 and a half years later

"You look amazing, bro. Though not nearly as good as me." I winked at my soon-to-be brother-in-law and flashed my dazzling smile, my fingers adjusting his bowtie.

Kai grunted as he pushed me away, his hand on my chest, before turning back to the mirror, smoothing the front of his jacket. "You wish."

My father walked in, his dominating presence immediately gathering the attention of everyone in the room. "Ten minutes until we have to head down." He walked over to Kai, slapping his hand on his shoulder and grinning that trademark Vanderbrooke grin. "I can't wait for you to be a part of this family son."

I fought back my scowl as my dad released Kai's shoulder and exited the room. I may be a grown man, but it killed me to see my father look at another man, call him son and have pride shining brightly in his eyes. I couldn't remember the last time that he looked at me in that way.

I had been doing my fair share of fuckery over the past few years. I was finally starting to get things together. Hopefully he would see it soon.

Shaking my head, I pushed my own selfish feelings to the back of my mind and started to gather everything we needed for the ceremony.

"And here you thought you would be the first to get married." I turned to see Colten waving his hand dramatically in the air, flashing his shiny new wedding band.

Kai smiled and Derek laughed. I once again hid my emotions. A Vegas wedding to a stripper with none of your loved ones there wasn't exactly something to brag about.

Sorry. Dancer. Not stripper. According to Destiny aka Mila, anyway.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. Pulling it out, I saw the message from someone unknown on my social media account. I quickly opened it, biting back the smile.

Jennifer Lane: So... um... this is awkward. I saw your sex video and happened to stumble across you on here. I just wanted to hit you up and see if you wanted to hang out sometime.


Hang out.

I'm sure.

Dirty little girl. Without replying, I shut off my phone and slid it into my pocket. That was a regular occurrence. And no, guaranteed she didn't 'stumble' across me. She sought me out. They always did.

"All set?" Derek asked as he approached Kai, but Colten shoved him out of the way quickly, taking his place next to Kai.

"That's my line. I am the Bestman after all. You go do your job as groomsman, whatever that is." Colton flashed him a smug smirk and wrapped his arm around Kai's shoulder. "Let's get this show on the road."

I was amazed at how calm Kai was the entire way down there. I would be a fucking bundle of nerves if I was the one getting married at 22. Just the thought of proposing had me on edge.

Once we had reached the church and walked up to the front, I gazed out at the people in the pews, eagerly whispering and staring back at us. I noticed Victor, Luca, Darius and Marco all sitting in the far back corner, stone looks over their faces, not conveying a single emotion.

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