Invitation (1)

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"We would like to thank all of you for joining us tonight. The fact that we are surrounded by our loved ones on such a monumental occasion makes it that much more special."

Kai was standing at the head table, giving his groom speech but my focus was on what happened in the limo.

What the hell had Lucian been thinking?

What if someone had seen his little stunt?

I had put an end to things months ago. I couldn't continue with his ups and downs, back and forth. One minute he was hot, not able to keep his hands off me, the next his attention was on any other girl rather than me.

I was done with the whiplash.

Lexie's elbow in my side pulled me out of my thoughts. "Hey, it's your turn."

Shaking thoughts of the devil sitting only a few away, I grabbed my glass of wine and stood up, smiling out at the people in front of me.

"Good evening, everyone. It's funny, I thought the hardest part about being the maid of honor was going to be the speech, but it turns out, it was actually helping Lilly go to the bathroom. That is one giant dress." I wiped my brow causing a few people to laugh. "I'm still sweating."

"I hope you all are having a wonderful time, celebrating the love that Lilly and Kai share. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Abby, and I am best friends with the bride. Not only are we best friends but we are family. We share a birthday and grew up together, knowing each other for our entire lives.

"We have been there for every single significant moment in each other's lives. Our first love's." I paused and sent a wink at Lilly. "Logan Jenson."

Lilly groaned loudly, covering her face with her hands.

"Lilly was sure that she was going to marry Logan one day. We were 6 and I was visiting her for the summer. She held him down in the soccer field and demanded that he proposed to her."

Loud laughter erupted as Lilly's face turned pink at the memory.

"I've always known Lilly and been able to anticipate every move that she made. However, when Kai came into her life, everything changed. It's no secret that in the beginning of their relationship I was extremely hesitant. I didn't want her to have her heart broken. But I learnt that Kai brought out something in Lilly that no one else had. They complement each other perfectly. Seeing how happy she was with him; I knew that he was her forever."

I raised my glass in Kai's direction, smiling brightly at him. "I want to thank you Kai, for being everything that Lilly ever dreamed of. For being what she truly needed. I can never express my gratitude in mere words and just how much I love and respect you both."

Turning my attention back out to the crowd, I extended my arm out further, glass in hand. "To the bride and groom. May all your ups and downs come only in the bedroom."

Laughter echoed through the room as everyone raised their glasses in unison.

Turning to Lilly, I mouthed 'I love you' before returning to my seat.

After the rest of the speeches were done, Kai and Lilly made their way to the dance floor to share their first dance.

I felt Lucian's presence before I saw him. The delectable smell of his cologne overwhelming my senses as he stood next to me.

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