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After what felt like an eternity, the long formal speech Ezriel had been tuning out had finally ended. The room erupted with applause in response, snapping him back to the present. His hands found their way together in time with everyone else's in the room, and his usual fake smile crept its way back onto his face as he looked at the person that just stopped talking. He'd been scolded one too many times before about 'upholding an appearance' during important events, but as usual it didn't even seem like anybody was looking his way.

In fact this whole thing had nothing to do with him, he was simply there by association. If he could just blend into the background as the crowd dispersed and the chatter resumed, he could maybe make it out of here undetected...

"And where are you off to now?" A voice stuck out among the murmur of the room, hardly letting the prince go twelve steps. He tensed up, trying his best to wear an innocent smile as he turned to face his mother's advisor, one hand on her hip. She was always the one to catch him at the most inopportune times.

"I'm just.. stepping outside for some air." Ezriel replied a little hesitantly. It wasn't a lie, just not the full truth. But it was clear to both of them that if he was able to leave, he didn't plan on coming back any time quickly.

"The ceremony is only half over. There is still much more you have to attend."

At that, the blonde's shoulders sagged. "Must I really?" He pressed, gesturing to the room and all the people hovering about. "Everybody here is preoccupied with an event I have no part in."

"With respect, your highness, you should pay more mind to what goes on around here." She scolded, but Ezriel didn't take it seriously. If anything were to happen in the kingdom, it would  be his brothers who dealt with it first. He doubted that they really needed him that much, and doubted that they'd miss him from all these stupid meetings and parties. 

"So much formality is not my specialty." Was all he replied, giving a vague shrug as he took one last look at the room with disdain. "I'll be going to the gardens. If I must present myself, you can find me there." 

But the prince knew that he didn't have a turn in the spotlight tonight, otherwise he would have been told to prepare it. And the advisor must have known this as well because all she did was let out a short, defeated sigh.

"I don't endorse this, and Lady Edena won't be pleased with your disappearance." She tried one last time to coax him into changing his mind. But although she was right, it wasn't enough to convince him. 

"Fine," She gave in. "If I can't deter you from going I'll at least make sure you don't go alone." 

She walked with him to the nearest balcony doors, instructing one of the guards stationed there to accompany the prince to the gardens, and make sure he didn't wander. Ezriel scoffed internally at this-- he knew that it was all a safety precaution, but again he wished that he could escape the constant supervision, just once.

Begrudgingly he went with it, deeming it a better deal than standing around inside, but for the whole flight he thought of nothing but ways to escape their sight. He couldn't just speed off, as he'd certainly be chased after. And he couldn't use magic, because other fairies could see right through it. He thought about trying to trick them into getting something for him maybe, but nothing came to mind. 

The two of them made it to the garden long before he had devised anything, landing on the biggest lily pad the pond's surface had to offer. The water rippled from the light disturbance, sending out tiny waves and distorting the reflection that stared back at him. His face contorted into an odd expression as he contemplated the best way of getting out of here. Realistically he only needed a few seconds to disappear, but with the way the guard was watching him like a hawk he doubted that chance would come easy. 

For a solid minute he sat there, staring at the water until an idea suddenly sparked in his brain and a small mischievous smile spread across his lips. It was a stupidly childlike idea, but worth a shot nonetheless. With a deep breath he cleared the smile from his face, and put on the best act that he could. 

"Oh!" He pretended to be pleasantly surprised, still leaning over the edge of the water. "I didn't think the pond had anything so large living in it." 

"It does?" The guard asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Apparently." Ezriel nodded. "Quick, you've got to come see this!"

Just as he had hoped, the guard sauntered over to his side of the lily pad in interest, nearing the edge as well. Their brows furrowed, unable to see what creature the prince was talking about. 

"Are you sure?" They asked, looking his way. "I don't see anything."

But Ezriel only nodded enthusiastically, still staring at the water. "It's there, near the bottom! Don't you see it?" 

Now, at the peak of their curiosity, the guard was fully leaning over the edge. And the blonde took his chance. 

In one swift motion he pushed the other into the water, and shot into the trees as fast as his wings could take him.

You Are My Escape (G/T) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now