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Ezriel stood there for a minute, staring out into the growing puddles that gathered on the pavement in horror. He'd been fully prepared to leave, but now found himself stuck at the threshold, his stomach tightening into a knot.

This was bad. This was really, really bad. 

He couldn't go home in the rain- not looking like this, and certainly not using his wings. He contemplated finding somewhere to hide and wait out the water, but he didn't have a clue of where to go and didn't feel like he could make it there even if he did. He could feel his magic fading from him by the moment. He was running out of time. A silent string of curses left his lips, angry at himself for letting this happen. He shouldn't have stayed this long, shouldn't have pushed his magic so hard.

Shouldn't have come here at all.

"Oh, yikes." Matt spoke up once more, momentarily breaking Ezriel's downward spiral of thoughts. "Here, this might help." He bent down to pick up an umbrella that he kept by the door for occasions such as these, and handed it over.

The blonde shook his head. "I have nothing to offer you in return." He explained, but Matt wasn't taking that for an answer.

"It's fine, really. Consider it my thanks, for listening to me play all evening." 

That was an acceptable answer Ezriel figured, and he took the umbrella with a warm smile, fighting the pain that was taking over his body. He had to go now.

"If you're around town feel free to stop by again," Matt offered as Ezriel fumbled opened the umbrella and stepped outside. "I play here every couple of nights." 

But the prince couldn't reply, already heading down the stone steps and leaving the back alley. 

Only, he didn't get very far. After a few strides another jolt of pain wracked his body and he fell to his knees, his magic now completely drained. 

"No, not now!" He hissed under his breath, clenching his fists as he tried to stand back up. He had to make it to at least the trees, then he could transform and take shelter in the foliage until the rain stopped.

But he simply didn't have the strength, and against his will the spells began to break. The first to go was the most exhaustive of the two: the growth spell. He fought to keep that one active until the very last second, and when it finally left him it felt much worse than before.

Despite the chill rain, his skin felt like it was burning. The same twisting feeling churned inside of him again but this time it felt like he was falling, collapsing in on himself. He felt weightless, and he closed his eyes tight as he felt himself fall and fall, waiting for the impact. It was nauseating, and the feeling didn't leave him until he was no longer conscious to feel it. 

The umbrella clattered to the ground on top of him as his disguise reversed entirely, and he crumpled onto the cold wet pavement below. 

Matt, who had been keeping an eye on him out of concern, stood there in stunned silence. He barely had time to process what he'd just witnessed before his feet kicked into motion-- Shoes and a jacket were the last thing on his mind as he stepped out into the rain, beelining for the umbrella. 

But he was not prepared for what he saw.

The same charming person that had adored his show all night was now a fairy, no bigger than his hand. He seemed to be convulsing in pain, unaware of Matt's presence even when he hovered a giant hand above him. He wanted to pick him up, to save him from the water and confirm that this wasn't just some crazy dream he had after collapsing on the stage with a fever, but he hesitated.

He had no idea what to do to help, or if touching him would put some sort of curse on him, but he knew he had to try something before anyone else wandered by the alley and saw this.

With the utmost care Matt nudged him into his palm, whispering apologies as the little fairy winced at the contact. He was quick to cup his other hand over him to protect him from the rain as he rushed back inside, heading straight for his room upstairs. 

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