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The thoughts continued to fester in Ezriel's mind, all night and day.

Not much was expected of him the day following his return except rest-- His classes were canceled so that he could heal a little more, and the only contact that he had with anybody was the assistance he had in applying the ointment to his wing. Other than that he'd been entirely alone for the day, something he should be used to and have no problem with, but for once the isolation was driving him mad.

He couldn't get Matt off his mind, even when he tried to shut it out by engaging in various hobbies around his room. Going to the town was a mistake and meeting him had been an accident, so he knew it would be best to just move on and leave things be, but he couldn't fight how badly he wanted to go back. He didn't want all of the excitement to be over, and didn't want everything to go back to normal.

He itched to be anywhere other than stuck back here; the small taste of freedom he'd gotten during his escape was enough to intoxicate him and leave him wanting more, and the town sat so close to the edge of the trees, practically taunting his imprisonment.

Ezriel drummed his fingers on his desk rhythmically, trying to quell his agitation. Every hour that passed he couldn't help but wonder what the human was doing-- he could feel a constant connection to him from the deal they'd made earlier that he forgot to end when he left, and it did little to help in ignoring his endearment for the other. Matt had just been so sweet and honest, and trustworthy. He'd broken every single expectation the prince had when he'd been discovered, and that intrigued him above all else.

Still, he regretted not giving a proper goodbye even if he wasn't a fan of them. He shouldn't have left things unsaid and unfinished but he had looked so peaceful sleeping then, like an angel before the sunrise, and Ezriel didn't want to wake him and see such features tarnished with disappointment.

The prince's head fell into his arms as he slumped over his desk. He was enamored by Matt and everything that had happened, but returning without a disguise was out of the question. He wondered if there was anyone in the palace who would know anything about how to get his magic back-- possibly his teachers, but he grimaced at the thoughts of having to explain how he lost it in the first place. If any of them were to find out what he'd done, he'd be in much more trouble than he was now.

But there was one of his mentors that the prince hoped would understand, someone who might not tell if he asked them not to, and he sighed as he pulled himself up to go and find them. It was his only choice.

Although he was confined to his feet, he was thankful to be able to go on walks. It was a bit annoying to consciously not use his wings, but at least everywhere in the palace was accessible by foot. As he climbed his third set of stairs he felt much more appreciation for those who didn't have working wings, or were missing one, like Galen. He never did get the story as to how that happened, no matter how many times he'd asked, and he figured he just wasn't destined to know.

Eventually he made it to his teacher's study, hesitating outside the door. He knew he had to ask, if he turned back now it would only prolong the inevitable. Some point soon he would have to return to class and attempt his magic once more, and he had to prepare before that happened.

Just as he raised a hand to knock, the door swung open and he was greeted with a long familiar face.

Ventus had been helping Ezriel with his magic ever since he was just a child who could make a few sparks, and out of everyone who's given him magical guidance the old man was who he liked to spend the most time with. He never pushed him past his limits, always praised him for his progress, and understood his shortcomings. They had a decently good relationship, and he was relying on that now.

He looked down at the prince with a pleasantly surprised smile, clearly not expecting this sudden visitation, but he was quick to welcome him inside anyway.

"I just had some questions I was hoping you could answer," Ezriel started as the two sat down across from one another.

The other fairy gestured for him to continue.

"Is it possible to lose one's magic?"

"...No, not entirely, but it can definitely run out." Ventus answered after giving it some thought, shooting him an interested look. "Magical exertion is real-- our power is finite, although our access to mana eases the fear of us ever running out."

"But.. what happens if you do run out?" The blonde pried.

"May I inquire as to why you're asking, your highness?" Ventus's eyes narrowed a fraction. "Did something happen while you were out, by chance?"

Ezriel froze, but he knew that Ventus could see right through him. It was highly unlike him to appear after hours and ask questions like this, so he knew that he had to be careful with his words.

"I... may have gone a little too far when testing my abilities.. and I haven't been able to use my magic since." He caved, nodding reluctantly.

"What sort of things could you possibly be practicing?" His teacher asked incredulously. "It takes quite a lot for a fairy to drain their power, and we haven't covered anything that could do something like that yet."

"It... was glamour magic." He confessed, shying away from the other's shocked stare. They both knew that that was an uncommon and unstable form of magic from long ago, and that it was nothing to play around with.

"I cast it on myself, but it proved too much to handle and my body rejected it. And I'm aware this is my fault and that I shouldn't have done it, but I just want to know if it can be recovered."

"Magic malpractice can be very dangerous, why on earth would you cast it on yourself?"

Ezriel hesitated once more. Ventus may be more understanding than the others, but he still likely wouldn't take the truth too kindly. He couldn't tell him about his journey to the town.

"For... for my own entertainment." The prince pushed out, still looking away. It was clear that it was difficult for him to talk about.

But to his surprise, Ventus's outrage was quick to melt into concern and the older fairy simply let out a long sigh. He's always believed that fixing the problem and correcting the course was more important than punishing the actions, after all.

"Are you able to feel the energy at all?" He asked after a few moments. "Take a deep breath, and try to focus on it as much as you can. Tell me what you feel."

Ezriel did as he said, trying hard to focus in on himself. It was a training exercise that he'd been taught from a young age to try and be more in touch with his power, and he closed his eyes tight as he searched as deep as he could.

It wasn't necessarily gone he'd say, but if his normal magic compared to a well-stocked fire, then what he felt now was just the embers that remained. It was still there in some way, he just had nothing to show for it.

"It just feels... empty." Ezriel answered after a few moments, looking back up at his mentor in worry. "And it's remained faint ever since I've returned home."

Ventus hummed in thought and fell into silence, pondering something. The prince couldn't tell whether it was a good or bad train of thought as his teacher's eyes seemed to display a myriad of emotions, but after a few moments the older fairy stood up and looked straight at him.

"Come, follow me." Was all he said, leaving the puzzled blonde to follow in his wake.

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