Night with Master Diluc

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(Sorry this took so long, School had started for me so I’ve been kind of busy. Sorry if it looks rushed, I’ve only been writing when I had free time. But I hope you enjoy the story!! ^^)

“Can I come with you Master Diluc?” you asked the male “You want to come with me? How weird” Diluc said “How is that weird? I only want to know you a little better” you huffed.

He sighed and agreed.


Diluc had led back to the Dawn Winery

Diluc had led back to the Dawn Winery

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You could see that the inside was properly kept clean and organised. You noticed the weird vase that didn’t fit the vibe of the Dawn Winery but you didn’t say anything about it.

“This is Adeline, she’s the head housemaid and this is Elzer, he’s my executive chairman” Diluc introduced “Nice to meet you both, I’m (Name)” you smiled at them. Elzer smiles back while Adeline giggles while looking at Diluc then you ‘Don’t tell me she misunderstood us’

“Master Diluc has never brought someone home unless it’s important , We’ll do our best to take care of you future Master” Adeline said jokingly “Shut your mouth Adeline” Diluc scolded, Adeline wasn’t scared and just laughed.

“It is now late, are you staying here (Name)?” Elzer asked “Right, Adeline can you prepare a-“ “Sorry (Name), it looks like you’ll be staying with Master Diluc for tonight, there’s no guest rooms available at the moment” Adeline cuts Diluc off.

“What? We have lots of-“ “NO guest rooms” Adeline smiles. ‘continue, I’ll just be standing here’


Diluc sighs.

“Forgive me about this (Name), seems like Adeline doesn’t want you to use the guest rooms” Diluc apologised as he was taking off his coat. ‘oh sweet sweet innocent Diluc, can’t you see she’s shipping us? Notice meeeee’ you mentally sobbed.

My Happy Ending? (Genshin Impact x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now