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"What are you wearing (Name)?" Aether asked "Oh" you looked down at what you're wearing "Master Diluc lent me these clothes" you answered "it fits you (Name), I wonder why Master Diluc has clothes your size" Venti added "If I remember correctly, Master Diluc was never this small" Jean noted.

"Can we just not talk about it" Diluc sighed, the others laugh at his reaction.


You all had went to the Springvale Waterfall and walked a little bit behind it

You all had stopped in front of some rocks that had a hole which is big enough for a person to crawl in

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You all had stopped in front of some rocks that had a hole which is big enough for a person to crawl in. "It is here" Diluc said "Keep your eye out for any danger" he continued.


After running around the domain. Fighting and scaring some fatuis, you had gotten the key "Finally! That was a lot of enemies!" Paimon huffed "We can't relax yet, we still haven't gotten the Holy Lyre" Diluc noted "Yup! Let's get going!!" Paimon happily exclaimed.

Diluc inserted the key in the mechanism in the middle of the room and the massive door opened in front of you. It was just a narrow room with a platform in the middle with a mechanism "I'm guessing that's the way up" Aether said.

Aether had no worries getting on the platform but you however, had to glance at Diluc. Luckily, he quickly got it and lifted you up to the platform before getting on himself.

As Aether press the button in the mechanism, it glowed and the platform had begun moving upwards.

The Holy Lyre was in the back middle part of the room, unguarded. You all had started walking towards it when bars went down around the Lyre and a Fatui Agent had appeared in the front.

You didn't know much about fighting because you weren't trained back home so you stayed at the corner of the room, leaving the fighting to Diluc and Aether while Paimon was flying around trying to avoid the attacks the Fatui Agent was sending.

Suddenly you blacked out, the last thing you saw was the Fatui Agent dashing towards you before everything became dark.


"Dain.....Dain!!!!"you woke up at someone yelling.

You looked up to see the Venti look-alike staring down at you " finally you're awake, have you become so drunk that you fall backwards from your seat?" he asked.

You didn't answer and just stared at him, he also just stares back at you.

After a few moments, Zhongli sighed before helping you up "You alright? Do you need to rest? I think you have drunk enough for today, both you and him" Zhongli glared at Venti "Ehe!"

"I'm alright, just a little dizzy, that's all" you said before looking around you. It was some kind of mountain with a flat surface on top in which there's water and a little island in the middle. "Would you like to come with me on a small walk? We can do that while you slowly get sober" Zhongli suggested.

"Just like I said I'm not drunk but that sounds nice" you smiled "Can I come too?!?!?" Venti loudly asked, it was clear as day that he was drunk "NO, you go back to Mondstadt, you already drunk" Zhongli gestured him to go away, Venti whined and complained before saying goodbye to you and taking off, probably back to Mondstadt. "He's not flying to the right direction but that's not our problem, is it?" he sighed.


You were now walking down the mountain with Zhongli.

"So, you're not really Dainsleif , are you?" he asked, you looked at him with an annoyed look "I keep saying that and you just now believe me???" you asked "Apologies, it's just that I had noticed that you do not act like Dainsleif but you look like him" he apologized. "Do I really look like him right now?" you pointed to yourself and he nodded.

"How long have you been in his body?" he asked "I don't know" you gently shook your head "But I entered his body when we were still drinking and close to stopping, that's when you both asked if I was okay" you added.


You hold your head as it started aching, you groaned from the pain.

"Are you alright??" Zhongli stopped walking and went closer to you. Just when he was about to touch your forehead you backed away a little bit "I'm fine! My head is just aching, I think it's from drinking, it'll go away in a little bit" you assured him "If you say so" he mumbled.

As he said that, you started to lose control and your body began to fall forward. Before you had completely black out again, you see Zhongli catch you and his lips were moving but you couldn't hear a single thing.



You quickly sat up breathing rapidly. "Woah!! Calm down (Name)! it's just us" Paimon said as she flies towards you and wraps her arms around your neck. You calmed yourself down before hugging her back.

Aether was beside the bed smiling at the sweet moment "We're glad you're okay, we were really worried when the Fatui Agent attacked you and you had pass out" Aether said before joining in the hug "How about the Lyre Der Himmel?? Did we get it?" you asked "Yup, the bars disappeared after we had beaten the crap out of the Fatui Agent" Aether nodded, you sighed in relief.

"You know, Master Diluc was really worried and he was the one who carried you frantically to the Cathedral" Aether shared "He was?" you asked "It's really true! How about we go visit him in the tavern so you can show that you're okay now?" Paimon suggested.

"Alright then, let's go!"

My Happy Ending? (Genshin Impact x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now