First Day

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Stiles sat down in front of Emma Tig and she read his file to him.

"You are legally blind, but you are able to see as a wolf," Emma read, looking up and Stiles nodded in confirmation,"Why don't you just see as a wolf all the time?"

"Because I don't have enough control of myself yet," Stiles said quietly,"I'm personally not that big of a fan of ripping kids to shreds."

"They should have added sarcasm on here," Emma said, looking back down at the file,"You are Haphephobic?"

"I don't know what that is," Stiles said, but he had a sneaking suspicion of what it might be.

"The fear of skin on skin contact," Emma said.

Stiles hesitated a moment before nodding.

"Do you know why?"

Stiles nodded again.

"Care to elaborate?" Emma said hopefully.

"I don't want to talk about it," Stiles said in a hoarse voice.

"You are afraid if you open your mouth the nightmares will never stop?"

"They don't stop either way," Stiles said, gripping his cane tightly.

"Facing these things will help you move on," Emma said,"Why are you afraid to be touched?"

Stiles clenched his jaw, remaining silent.

"You have a dark past," She told him,"I think you'll find that everyone at this school has a story like that."

Stiles started to listen to her heartbeat.

"Do you?" Stiles asked, listening intently.

"Yes, I do," Emma said, and her heart didn't skip a beat, but Stiles did smell sadness coming from her,"My family was killed by a Ripper, a vampire that--"

"Can't stop feeding once it's started," Stiles finished,"I've done my research on vampires."

"Yes, then you might know that we also have a few rippers here as well," Emma said.

"I can smell their hunger for blood," Stiles informed them.

Emma nodded, then she remembered that Stiles couldn't see it,"Yes, but they learn to control it here. And you can learn to control your instincts here as well."

"Those instincts made me kill five people," Stiles said,"All of them were bad, but I still killed them. My best friend became a True Alpha by not killing anyone, how do you think that makes him feel?"

"I think he still loves you like a brother, and knows you weren't in control of yourself," Emma said.

"But I was, I remember killing all of them and liking it," Stiles said, hanging his head in shame,"The last things I saw with human eyes were their mangled corpses. And I have to live with that for the rest of my life."

"You are afraid to be touched because you feel like you don't deserve it," Emma realized.

Stiles paused, and nodded.

Time Skip

Stiles stood in the kitchen alone, smelling the different foods in their different places.

He walked towards a cupboard, opening it to reveal the cookies, he snatched the bag ripping it open and immediately started scarfing down the junk food.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" A female voice asked.

Stiles turned in her direction and he heard her heart falter.

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