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"Explain it again," Freya asked him while Stiles continued to look around with his newly healed eyes.

"This place needs more color," Stiles commented.

"Are you still part werewolf?" Hope asked.

Stiles nodded, his eyes glowing red for a moment,"Yeah. I'm not sure if that part will ever go away anymore."

"Are you Landon's father?" Hope asked, making Stiles cringe.

"Nope, definitely not father. A lot of my memories still aren't back yet. But what happened in Malivore was that he killed me, but before I could be reborn he shoved my essence into Seylah, so I could charge up Landon with phoenix magic. But I was also reborn inside of her, same as Landon. She gave both of us up for adoption. She named him Landon and me Genim which my parents used as my middle name," Stiles said.

"Mieczysław Genim Stilinski," Hope commented, smiling to herself.

"Yes, haha, let's laugh at Stiles's name shall we?" Stiles said sarcastically.

"Except it's not," Hope reminded him.

Stiles smirked,"No, it's not," He said, and his eyes gave her a look as if to say,'And neither is yours.'

"How old are you?" Freya asked,"If you say you're the real Phoenix, how old are you?"

"I'm definitely not the oldest being you've encountered," Stiles said,"Just a little more than fifteen hundred years."

"How did you get caught in Malivore?" Hope asked, mostly for herself.

"Unfortunately that's still a blank spot," Stiles replied.

"How are you a Phoenix?" Freya asked, and Hope knew the answer.

"My Mother was something called a Dark Fae," Stiles said,"She's actually quite famous. Her name was Maleficent."

"Like from Sleeping Beauty?" Freya said in disbelief,"Faeries are myths."

"Wrong. Just very endangered. They're connected to nature on a deeper level than any other supernatural. I'm only half human, or at least I was until I was scratched. My Father was kind of an asshole and cut my Mom's wings off so he could be king, but she also raised his human daughter, my half sister, with me."

Hope knew it wasn't the whole story, he purposefully forgot one giant detail.

Merlin, she was Merlin, the true Original Witch, reborn. Just like Stiles, she couldn't remember everything from her past life other than a few memories.

"Because humanity has butchered nature, hundreds of the fae died with it. The Dark Fae are extinct, pretty sure Wade from Salvatore is one of the few Light Fae, or Seelie, left in existence."

"Your magic, I've never seen anything like it," Freya said.

Stiles held up a hand and the flame-like energy curled around his fingers, writhing, eager to be used,"Phoenix magic. It passed from my Mom to me after she died," He said, looking at it with a bit of sadness,"It's kind of funny. We both thought I was completely human, I didn't have her horns, wings, or any Dark Fae quality. Everyone saw her as the villain of the story, but to me she was just my Mom, I didn't even know she had wings until I saw the scars on her back. She named me Solis, after the sun."

Stiles closed his hand, extinguishing the magic.

"Look, I really appreciate you helping me. But I'd like to go to bed now," Stiles said,"It's been kind of an eventful day and I'm going home tomorrow."

Freya nodded, still in a shocked daze.

Stiles went up the stairs to the room he was staying in, and a few minutes later, Hope walked in. Their lips crashed together, and Stiles let out a growl when Hope bit down on his lip.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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