Attempted Healing

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Stiles sat in a chair as Hope drew his blood, several witches clinking glass test tubes together as they made several healing concoctions.

"You know," Stiles said, turning his head toward Hope,"Back when I could use my eyeballs for something other than glorified glow sticks I used to be afraid of needles."

Hope remained silent pulling the syringe from his arm and handing it to Josie.

Stiles took a deep breath,"I actually used to be afraid of a lot of things. Like blindness for one, that was my worst fear. But it's not the end of the world if I am."

"Drink this," Hope finally said, holding a test tube toward him and he hesitantly took it.

"What is it?" Stiles asked, whatever it was, smelled really bad,"It's not like unicorn piss is it?"

"No," Hope replied,"Just drink it."

Stiles hesitated a moment longer before swallowing it and gagged, hating the copper taste to it.

"Was that blood?" Stiles groaned, wiping it away from his mouth.

"Vampire blood," Hope answered,"Heals most physical injuries."

Stiles waited a moment, but nothing happened. The red haze of his vision remained.

"Anything?" Hope asked, looking at his eyes intently.

Stiles shook his head,"Whose blood was that?"

"Mine," Hope replied.

"Okay," Stiles said, leaning back in his chair,"I don't know if I'm disgusted, or aroused."

Hope blushed, turning back to her grimoire and reading over several healing spells.

Stiles went to stand up, but Hope only pushed him back down.

"I'm gonna put something on your eyes," Hope told him,"Keep them closed."

Stiles let out a slightly annoyed sigh as he closed his eyes, Hope dipped her fingers into a jar and they came away with a blue gel like substance.

She put it over his eye lids and he flinched.

"You okay?" Hope asked her boyfriend.

"Just a little cold," Stiles answered.

"Okay... open your eyes," Hope said, trying to make this work.

Stiles opened his eyes and nothing happened, eyes were still useless.

"Nada," Stiles said.

"Why won't it work?" Hope said frustratedly, and everyone took that as their cue to leave.

"You know... there are just some things that can't be healed," Stiles told her, standing up and wrapping an arm around her waist,"This might be one of them."

Hope turned around in his arms and hugged him,"Why is it that I care about getting your sight back more than you?"

"Because... when I lost it, I accepted it," Stiles answered,"And it's not all bad. If I hadn't lost my eyes I never would have come here and met you."

Hope looked up into his scarred eyes and they stared down blankly into hers,"You are such a hopeless romantic."

"Yes, I've seen a lot of rom-coms," Stiles said, then winced,"Used to at least."

Hope sighed,"Do you want to keep doing this? There's hundreds of healing spells out there, maybe one could fix your sight."

Stiles backed away from Hope,"If there is a way. A for sure way that I can get it back. Like a hundred percent, definitely going to happen, way. Then yes I'll definitely do it. I'm just not trying to get my hopes up. And no, that isn't a pun. Actually, how many times have people used a pun with your name?"

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