38 - *Bye, Bye Miss American Pie*

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Chapter 38 – Bye, Bye Miss American Pie

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Chapter 38 – Bye, Bye Miss American Pie

"The quinjet leaves in an hour, Lia. If you're not packed and ready to go by then you can fly your lazy ass there yourself." Steve huffed as he flipped a pancake at the stove, smacking Ophelia's hand away when her fingers inched towards the growing stack next to him.

"No need to get angsty." Ophelia drawled, rolling her eyes at the stressed super-soldier. "And what was that you said about language?"

"It doesn't count when I'm talking to you," Steve grumbled under his breath.

"Come on! Couldn't you wait five more minutes to get a plate or something?" Steve cried out as Ophelia finally stole three pancakes from the pile. Her cheeks bulging like a chipmunk as she skipped away from her irritated teammate.

"Sorry gramps, I'm in a rush. I got packing to do, remember?" She mumbled with a full mouth as she walked out of the kitchen, her turned back hiding a mischievous smirk at the muffled scream of frustration coming from her normally calm friend.

"If you're not careful you're gonna give Steve an aneurysm, Lia," Bruce announced as he met up with Ophelia. His mouth twisted to the vague reflection of a smile, the only thing he seemed capable of recently.

"Better an aneurysm than the guilty look he always gets when he thinks no one is looking." Ophelia sighed, keeping her head held high with a determination to appear fine.

"Don't bail on me today, kid," Bruce said with a sad smile, half-joking and half-serious in his concern.

"I could never," Ophelia replied wryly, coming to a stop in front of Wanda's recovery room in the med bay area.

"I thought you were gonna go pack, Delacour." The scientist teased as he leaned against the door frame to the witch's room, his eyebrow raised in question.

"I'll do that later." Ophelia flippantly waved off as Bruce narrowed his eyes at her. "I got better things to do right now."

"I will pack I promise!" Bruce continued to look at her with narrowed eyes.

"Your lack of faith in me is insulting Brucie." Ophelia groused as she shoved her way into the recovery room, ignoring Bruce's huff of amusement.

But it was an unwelcome sight that she had arrived at.

Sat innocently in the middle of the hospital bed was Wanda. Her hair falling in careless tresses that looked effortlessly beautiful, an unconscious smile on her face that was barely noticeable to any who didn't look.

But the red glow of her fingers as she levitated a few building blocks that Pietro has given her in the air caused Ophelia's mind to instantly go back to the memories. The pain of bygone years filtering into her thought just when she thought everything was fine.

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