42 - *Are You A Hero?*

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Chapter 42 – Are You A Hero?

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Chapter 42 – Are You A Hero?

The early morning brought a sluggish atmosphere, where heroes gathered their wits before the heat of battle and lost themselves in the whirlwind of their own thoughts.

Ophelia sat herself down on the edge of the balcony, overlooking the quiet surroundings her grandparents had located to with their retirement savings. It was a good life, a peaceful one where none of the chaos of terrorist attacks and killer robots existed.

She hated how restless it made her feel.

The light touch of a hand on her shoulder brought her back from her musings as she turned and met the gaze of Lucien.

"If I can't stop you from going on this mission, at least eat before you go, ma chér," Lucien playfully grumbled as he guided his granddaughter back inside.

A twinge of guilt tugged away in her stomach as Ophelia remembered the conversation, she had with him last night.


Ophelia herself never actually indulged in sleeping, instead, her eyes remained fixated on the faint light of dawn growing from outside her bedroom window. A stirring of dread swirled in her stomach; like a sickness eager to expel from her mouth or a virus ready to spread. She didn't even know what was eating away at her mind so early in the morning. Maybe it was nothing? Or everything? Or in between the two extremities that plagued the brawler?

She just didn't know.

"Your bad habits will catch up to you, ma chér," Lucien softly scolded as he edged his way into the dark room. Illuminated only by the potential beginnings of sunrise as he leaned against the doorframe. His thick French accent echoing the sounds of Ophelia's childhood as she listened to him.

"They always do," Ophelia hummed, her cheek plastered on the pillow as she watched her grandpa's dark silhouette. "Sometimes I just can't seem to make my brain shut up. Even if I'm tired it just...it doesn't work for me."

The brief silence that fell was a comfortable one, where there was no need for meaningless small talk or expectation. Her grandfather had always been the person she felt most at peace around. In the normal mayhem that she lived in and caused; Ophelia seldom had moments of true silence. She was loud and mischievous and lived to cause chaos, but with her grandfather, she could be silent.

"I've missed you, Fili," His deep baritone voice sounded, pausing before correcting himself, "I miss you,"


"I understand, the moment you became a hero you gained responsibilities. Sometimes it feels like the whole world is crying out for you, so I understand why you drift from me. But even when you are here, you are not. Running to a different country or consumed by your team. I feel as if I've become a burden to you." Lucien said in an even tone, the only indication of his unrest being a slight frown on his lips.

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