6. Dress Shopping

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I was scared of going to lunch with Liz, but that didn't compare to my fear of going shopping with her.

With the event for the unveiling of Dr Dumas' exhibition coming up, Liz asked if we could go to a couple of boutiques after work, as we both finished early.

Yay to finishing work early, nay to shopping. I have to be fair through, this is my first time shopping with Liz and she is my friend.

As Liz and I pack up to leave, Cassius comes running up to us.

Well, jogging, no running allowed in the museum and all.

I sort of kept my distance from him for a good week after the gym situation. Partly because I was so busy with Dr Dumas setting up and reviewing everything for the showcase, it was really riveting. But I was also avoiding him because I had become too vulnerable around him, especially in a short amount of time. If he knows even half of the things that race through my mind, he wouldn't want to be with me.

I am a mess.

"Liz, you mind if I borrow Alettra for a sec?" I look at Liz, pleading for her to stay. I was already restraining myself from jumping into his arms for a much needed hug.

She nods back and looks back at me for a quick wink. Why do people keep doing that?

"So I hear you're dress shopping with Liz right?" he pauses before carrying on. "Knowing her, it will most likely be an all day thing."

I groan quietly. "Please don't say that." He laughs heartily.

He accurately predicts that I don't like dress shopping.

I tell him it's more than dress shopping, it's the colour, the shape, the material and the length. It's a never-ending array of choices and I don't like choices.

He shakes his head and asks me something that stills me.

"So, um, you planning on going to Rosa's Cafe tomorrow?"

To which I nod, he then adds, "Do you think it would be okay if I join you?"

I look around bashfully but he stares at me with something unrecognisable which entices me to say "I would really like that Cassius."

He smiles in relief and we settle a time for tomorrow as well as exchange numbers.

As he walks away, Liz nudges me with a smirk... God this is going to be a long shopping trip.

It's been 2 hours. Shopping with Liz was its own workout. We have gone from store to store and we have yet to find the 'perfect one', as Liz calls it.

Honestly, she looks stunning in everything, but she is transfixed on the perfect green dress.

I smirk to myself, knowing that Dr Dumas is wearing a green tie in support of one of his charities he helps funds.

It must be a family trait the Ardents have. Both Liz and Cassius are able to fluster both Dr Dumas and I so easily it's not fair. Though when Liz does it, it is funny to see Dr Dumas' blush.

I wanted a red dress, obviously, with it being my happy colour, but everything didn't look right on me... Or maybe I just didn't look right.

I had dropped a dress size surprisingly, but I couldn't see a difference in the mirror.

It was difficult not to compare myself to Liz each time she came out of the dressing room asking for my opinion. But she was my friend now, and I'm only in competition with myself, no one else.

While browsing the racks, Liz and I converse.

"So, you and Cassie?" Liz starts with a devilish grin. I just roll my eyes unbothered by her teasing and carry on looking through the dresses.

"Well I'm going to take your silence as me being right that you are both having a heated passionate fling."

I shrieked in bewilderment "WHAT!"

She turns around with a wink and taunts "Gotcha."

I look around sheepishly, apologising for my outburst.

"Don't worry, Ronnie has filled me in on all the details... So you like being on top then I'm guessing." Liz's boldness is unmatched. Someone please save me.

"It's about time something good happened for Cassius, and trust me Alettra you're not just good, you're the best thing for him." Her words make me smile appreciatively.

Another thing the Ardents can do is tease and taunt but then really knock you down with their sincerity.

"Just please do me a favour, that Charlie Morgan guy keeps bugging me about your relationship status, so please hurry up and get with Cass", to which I laugh out of concern.

That Morgan guy really won't leave me alone.

After another hour and 2 shops, Liz stands before me in front of the mirror in a dazzling emerald a-line dress with a sweetheart neck with diamonds cascading down it.

But it's the look in her eyes that ties the whole look together. A look of adoration, a similar one she gives Dr Dumas when he's not looking.

We both say in unison, "That's the one," making us both giggle.

As we prepare to leave, I tell her not to worry about me not being able to find a dress and that we can just head to the restaurant... I already had my excuse ready, as to why I wasn't eating - again.

As we pay for the dress, I keep replaying the look of joy and love in Liz's eyes. But then suddenly a new pair of eyes make their way.

His eyes.

Filled with the same look but with the deep blue intoxicating me, drowning me in a warm feeling, making me melt, but freeze at the same time. Eyes that make me surrender and seek refuge in his broad, warm frame.

Liz pokes me suddenly, "Come on, stop dreaming about lover boy and let's go."

I refocus my gaze to the spot where I was daydreaming and I see it...

'The one.'

I run to the deep blue dress, scared it would disappear, and glaze at it in awe and hear Liz behind me let out a wow of amazement, my need for a red dress completely out of the window.

"That's definitely your dress, Alettra, you wanna try it on."

Fear strikes me quickly, but I push it down with a smile and tell Liz I'm just gonna buy it without trying it on.

Because when you know, you know.


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