22. Slow Day

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This week at work was horrendous. Liz kept asking me what happened with Cassius, why he's become so cold?

We see each other more than usual at work but we make no acknowledgement of each other. He has a permanent frown etched on his face and his eyes dull, he just seems so sad and tired.

I wonder if it's his nightmares keeping him up?

Ronnie gives me updates on him sporadically, how he is closer to gaining evidence on the group that supplied his brother. I understood why he was doing this, but my heart tells my this isn't going to end well, or rather my head tells me that it won't end well...

My heart wants me to run into his arms and never leave.

Waking me up from my daydreams, Liz peers over and studies my face, frowning. "Hey, you wanna get lunch with me?"

I clench my eyes for a moment before shaking my head, going back to reviewing the case studies, despite my pounding headache.

"Alettra, when was the last time you ate?", there's tension in her voice, the heaviness already giving away what I already knew... Cassius told her.

Biting back a snarky response I do what I do best, I lie. "I had something yesterday, I just don't feel well at the moment."

Liz's eyes tear up as if she wants to say something, but she just walks away.

Then, after a few minutes, I see Cassius walk in, but I keep my eyes concentrated on my work. He walks up to my desk and I don't bother to look at him, mostly because I feel too tired to even lift up my head.

I've been too tired to do most things... Even reading, something I love, was too difficult to focus on without getting a headache. I have just been lying in my bed all day, waiting for the next day to come, then repeat, I'm used to loneliness but now that I know what having friends feels like... It's painful now.

Everything feels pointless now, every movement, every thought feels pointless.

Cassius lets out a quiet whisper then places something on my desk before leaving. I watch as he walks away, his gait is slow and shoulders rolled over.

Things must be taking a toll on him.

I look at what he put on my desk... A cereal bar, a low calorie one. God, if I thought it was exhausting hiding my problem, I was very wrong. Putting a polite smile for their pity is even more tiring.

I put the bar in my desk draw, just wanting to focus on work and go downstairs to the active exhibits, checking on everything.

I walk about the Alexander the Great exhibit, smiling slightly at older memories, simpler times.

But then a man walks up to me ruining my moment, questioning if I worked for the museum.

I hold back the need to roll my eyes, I mean my badge was clear as day. He was a few years older and kept asking me questions on every artefact. I mean normally I could talk forever about history, but he kept adding more personal questions, like if I was single.

I need to try and make a run for it. "Sorry Sir, I really need to get to a meeting now, so bye and enjoy yourself at the museum."

I try to leave but he quickly gives me his number, I take it too tired to bother with this anymore. He walks in front of me, still asking questions.

Before I could say anything a weird voice stills me, "Hey there, Peculiar girl." Oh god.

I turn around and it's Victor, Nicole's boyfriend. He wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls us away from the shell shocked man muttering a quick bye. After a few steps, I take his arm off me and give him a questioning glare.

"I asked Nicole where you worked, let's say I wasn't surprised", he finishes on a laugh.

Just before I could leave him I see Cassius walking in so I let out a loud laugh turning Victor's shoulder to me so his back was to Cass'. I widen my eyes at him hoping he gets the message, he doesn't and carries on walking towards us.

So I ask Victor to stay where he is for a moment, and walk away pushing a very confused Cassius in one of the employees room.

"What's wrong Alettra? Who was that?"

I turn to him and say "It was James' friend Victor."

Cassius looks at me wide eyed carefully looking around the corner to wear Victor's still standing.

"Why is he here?"

I try to explain how Nicole, my sort of friend, is his girlfriend and gave him my place of work, which the more I think about it the weirder it is.

He chews on his lip looking agitated.

"Well, what do you want me to do?, I can get him to leave."

Cass shakes his head seeming growing even more frustrated, while pacing around, his eyes clenched and hands shaking slightly. So, I grab his hands, and gently stroke it with my thumbs to calm him.

"Listen Cass, just give me two minutes and he will leave himself, I'm sure of it."

I can see he is about to deny my request, but I give him a pointed look, silently telling him I got this.

"Just don't hesitate to call me if you need me okay?", I nod while refraining from rolling my eyes, at his protective attitude.

I go back to where I left Victor to see his bored expression, of course.

"Hey, so any specific exhibit you wanted to see?"

"Okay, come on Alettra I'm cutting to the chase, I like you and I want to take you on a date, you seem like a girl who would like a date at I don't know... A museum.", he finishes excited like he came up with the best invention ever.

I look around stifling a laugh. Is he serious?

When he realises where we currently are, he laughs and shakes his head.

"Um... I would like to remind you that you have a girlfriend named Nicole, my friend."

"We broke up."

His simple admission shocks me, weren't they at a serious stage of their relationship.

"A date would be nice, can I get your number and I can text you later." My lie makes me feel sick, but I need him to leave.

Victor smiles at me and shakes his finger at me. "I know that trick Alettra, why don't you just give me your number and I can call you."

I refrain from rolling my eyes, but do it to get him to leave, he would just bother Nicole for it, like he did for my workplace most probably.

As he leaves, Cassius startles me by standing right behind me. "Why would you give him your number?"

"I gave it to him to get him to leave, and stop thinking that I'm that stupid, he would have just got it off Nicole anyway."

His eyes soften and he nods, I look at the time and sigh, "It's clocking out time, I'm gonna start packing up."

As I turn to leave Cassius calls out my name. I just stand still not bothering to turn back.

"Can we talk now please Alettra, properly."

The vulnerability in his voice makes me nod instantly, wanting our separation period to be over. Wanting to just be with him again, his warmth, his security, just Cass.

"At my place through."

I turn to see him with a slight smile on his stunning, though slightly tired face. I can't help back to mirror one back. It had been a while since I smiled.

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