17. Teasing Games

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I stand tall while wearing my pink knitted dress and boots and walk into the museum, the first time since... the incident.

I feel odd, like what happen was a nightmare in my head and didn't actually occur, wasn't actually inflicted on me. However, I know that's not healthy.

It happened, I need to accept it. Especially as the court date for Alex and Charlie's hearing came through.

As I'm walking to my desk, I bump into someone making me stumble, but they thankfully catch me. God, I need to be more on my game today.

I look to see Cassius staring tenderly at me, melting away my fears instantly. He wasn't working in the museum today, but told me he would when I told him I was planning on going back.

I had tried my hardest not to show Cass, how nervous I was for my first day back but he obviously sees through it.

That day at Liz's birthday party when her mum Jenny confronted me, I was really scared. How did she know... I just hope she wouldn't tell Cass or Liz.

He picks me up and sets me on my feet. "Hey stunning, you really need to stop falling for me." I laugh throwing my head back and shove him. But, of course, he doesn't even move an inch.

Just as I could say anything, Liz comes around the corner and rolls her eyes. "Come on guys, no flirting in the workplace", both Ardent's are really sadists aren't they.

"That's rich coming from you, Liz", I taunt back but she just gives me a glare making me chuckle.

She drags me to a hall where they are setting up a new exhibit... I look around it's a lot of ancient carvings.

"Wow, that's a stone drawing from like what 40BC, of Sekhmet, the Sun God Ra's daughter who was sent to Earth to punish mortals but she became obssessed with drinking their blood, causing him to eurghhh." I turn to see both Liz, Dr Dumas and Cassius smiling at my rant so I just clear my throat and say shyly "So vampires huh, I-I like vampires", to which everyone laughs.

Cassius leans close to my ear and whispers "I should have known you like vampires especially after you bit me." My eyes widens and I look at him in shook.

Oh my god, does this count as a kink?

Cassius then kisses my cheeck before returning back to his post. This man will most definitely be the death of me.

Liz then explains to me, the exhibit and the artefacts and then tells me how her godmother still believes in vampires to this day.

"Your godmother sounds cool, I wish I had one", I say but Andreas shocks both me and Liz.

"Don't worry you can be godmother to mine and Liz's kid one day", while throwing a wink at Liz. Her eyes wide open and face flushing I can't help but laugh till she turns and teases me instead, "Don't worry, when you and Cassie get married you'll automatically be our kids aunt." Okay, now it's my turn to get shy.

While Andreas and Liz laugh at my shocked expression, I quickly mutter a quick bye and walk off. That conversation got freaky fast.

As I'm walking, I walk into another person but only stumble slightly. I look up to see his face.

The man who tried to rape me.

My expression sours and I move forward trying to get past but he grabs my wrist. His touch repulsing me, I rip my arm out of his grasp.

"Wait, Alettra please?" I look at him and shake my head trying to leave again but he stands in front of me.

I was having such a good day, why must this happen now?

"Move, I don't feel comfortable right now." I try to keep my vouce strong but really I want to burst out into tears.

"Alettra, I just want to say sor-", but I interrupt whayever pathetic excuse of an apology he had... I didn't want to hear it.

"No you listen here Charlie, you may work here because your rich father is part of the committee and helps fund this museum, but I got here because I'm good at what I do and I enjoy, so I'm not gonna let you ruin that for me so while we are are at work you avoid me and I avoid you, understand?"

He simply nods with a scowl and walks away. When he's out of sight, I let out a short gasp as my facade crumbles, why did that affect me so much?

Ronnie comes up to me and wraps me in a tight hug and comforts me, "It's ok Alettra I saw, you did so well." His words make me smile... I did do well.

While packing up with Cass next to me ready to take me back to my apartment, I get a text from my cousin, Karina.

"Oh come on", I sigh angrily.

Cassius asks what's wrong, looking worried which I can't help but smile at. He really is ridculously sweet to me.

"Just my cousin, she needs a bridesmaid for her wedding tonight, which I obviously can't say no too." Through it was the fact it was last minute that got me upset, I actually do like her so I was okay with having to go. It was the rest of my family I wasn't excited about seeing.

Cass looks at me while we are in the car and holds my hand firmly. "Um, so your whole family is gonna be there then?" he asks.

I frown confused but nod my head and he just bites his lip while driving, deep in thought.

Feeling in a teasing mood, I pull his plump lower lip from his teeth gently and remind him, "That's my job remember."

He shakes his head biting back a smile while he shakes his soft brown hair muttering, "My little vampire."

As I go to leave after giving him a kiss, he quickly asks me if he can join me at the wedding.

"I mean it's only fair, you saw my family", to which I laugh, "Cass, I saw 10 of your family members, you're asking to go an Indian wedding of at least 1500 who know me, that's basically throwing you to the wolves."

I see his smile fall slightly and quickly add "I would love for you to join me, we can roll our eyes at everyone and maybe dance a bit," thus putting a smile back on his face.

God, I love that smile and I never want to be the reason it disappears.

He reaches across and puts his lips on mine, calming every cell in my body. It's soft and gentle, it's as if he's telling me everything will be okay.

I just needed to keep him away from my mother and father and everything should be fine.



Author's Note:

Hi, thanks for reading and for your support. It was fun writing this chapter, but it's a bit like the calm before the storm feeling...


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