Chapter 39

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However Bakugo did have something to do today. It was the start of the month which meant he was going to have to see Recovery Girl, just to check in on things.

For the last couple times he went, Kirishima was always with him. It was both for some support and because Bakugo felt that Kirishima should be with him to see these things...

But this time, that wasn't going to happen. Bakugo would have to go alone, which wasn't too bad, but he had a bad feeling. He felt like something bad was going to happen... He tried to distract himself from that though.

When everyone left, Bakugo made his way to Recovery Girl's office.
He knocked on the door and Recovery Girl answered with no hesitation. "Bakugo! Nice to see you," She said with a smile. She looked to Bakugo's side, she expected Kirishima to be here too. "Where's your friend?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at Bakugo.

"... Long story... In short he's not gonna be coming here with me for a while..." Bakugo said simply.

Recovery Girl nodded, "Okay, let's get started." She moved aside and let Bakugo come in.
Bakugo sat up on the bed. First thing to happen was a couple questions. "So how have you been feeling? Physically I mean." Recovery Girl asked.

"Fine. Back hurts but other than that I'm fine." Bakugo said bluntly.

"Okay, that's pretty normal... And have you been eating properly? Staying away from sushi, alcohol, coffee?"

Bakugo nodded at that, "Yes. I have." He said bluntly once again.

Recovery Girl nodded, taking a couple things down before sitting on a chair in front of the hospital bed Bakugo was sitting on. "And... How have you been feeling? Just how have things been with you?"

Bakugo looked down, shrugging his shoulders. "..Fine.." He mumbled. He felt like he had to keep telling himself he was fine but in reality, he really wasn't...

"Just fine? Is there anything bothering you? Anything causing you any sort of stress?" She raised an eyebrow at Bakugo.

Bakugo shrugged, "... I guess.. I guess it's been a bit stressful recently..." Even thinking about what was happening made Bakugo's eyes start to water. "... I-its just... With Kiri having been taken by the league of Villains.. and me not being able to help.. i-its hard..." As much as he wished he could, he couldn't help the small stutters as he spoke. "..i-i haven't slept well in weeks..." He mumbled that last part.

Recovery Girl nodded. "That's understandable. You're very close to him. And I understand that it must be hard for you, but the best of the best are looking for him, He'll be found and brought back in one piece." She reassured Bakugo.

Surprisingly, this actually helped Bakugo quite a lot. It was like this was all he needed to hear. Sure, he was obviously still terribly worried, and sure, it would stress him, but Recovery Girl was right. He would be fine. "... Thanks..." Bakugo mumbled.

"Not a problem! But I would recommend you try and keep calm, it'll be bad for your health and the pup's health if you're so stressed all the time." Bakugo nodded in response. "Good. Now, what class do you have to go to?" She asked.

"None. They're all looking for Kirishima.. I can't go though..." He looked down at whatever part of his lap he could see over his stomach.

"Well, in that case, I suggest going back to your dorm, taking the day to relax." She said.

"Okay. I'll do that." Honestly Bakugo needed some rest. He hadn't been sleeping well due to how worried he was... So some rest would be good for him.

Recovery Girl sent Bakugo on his way and Bakugo did go to his dorm. Once there, he picked up his phone and went to his texts, scrolling down until he found the one name he was looking for.


He knew Kiri wouldn't see this, he knew there was no way Kirishima would be able to know about what he was about to send him. So he couldn't think of a better time than now to do this...

Bakugo: These weeks without you have been terrible. Every day I go into class hoping that maybe I'll see you again. Every morning I wake up hoping that this is all a terrible nightmare and you're actually right here. But that doesn't happen.
Although I know you'll not see this, I can't think of a better time to tell you...

I love you.

I have for a long time. I never told you because you were with Kaminari... And I couldn't tell you after you broke up because I thought that you would think that I wasn't being serious, I thought you would think it was just me being pregnant and moody. But I'm not lying when I say I love you Eijiro, with all my heart. If  you were right here in front of me, I would tell you the same thing.
I don't know how I'm going to manage with you gone... So wherever you are... Please come back to me...

Bakugo had tears in his eyes. Poor thing felt so emotional. He hated showing all these feelings. It was stupid to him. But the mix of being hormonal and Kiri being gone, it was too much for him.

He hugged his pillow tightly, he couldn't stop the tears that fell.

He spent a couple minutes crying into his pillow before he eventually fell asleep, his cheeks stained with tears.


This is the second half to the last chapter, I hope you guys like it :)

I'm really tired rn, it's 2am lol

So uh- this was an emotional chapter- wonder if Kiri is gonna see the text 👀👀

((Word count 970))

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