Chapter Thirteen.

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I shuddered in fear as our king pulled his hand back from the body of the rogue who reported the news of the missing our missing prisoner.

The rogue hadn't even had the chance of completing his sentence. As soon as he had said that the prisoner was missing, our king had already ended his life.

"How in the world did she escape!?" Our king roared in angered, making all of us shudder in terror.

"It... it w-was... t-the w-witch, My King." The rogue standing beside me stuttered in fear. As soon as his gaze fell on us, a strong aura erupted from him. The aura was so strong it nearly choked me as I fell on the floor trying to breath as best as I could under the oppression.

"And how did she get in contact with the witch? Did I not order for her to be isolated?" Our king asked menacingly, stepping on the rogues' face as he did. But the rogue couldn't reply as he was in the same position as me. Struggling so much just to breath that we couldn't even let out a syllable, much less answer our king.

"Please calm down, My King. It was the witch's child she met. I discovered a hole in the wall made by the prisoner. The room next to it was where we had kept the witch's child."

The voice sounded heaven-sent as soon as it resonated through the room. I looked up and saw our second-in-command standing at the entrance.

Our second-in-command, Elijah, was most trusted by our king. It contributed to the fact as soon as Elijah made his discovery known, our king reduced the pressure on us, allowing us to breathe again.

"Thank the most gracious king for the mercy." The rogue and I said as we quickly backed up against the wall while Elijah made his report.

"A hole, did you say?" Our king asked as he took a seat on his throne, looking at Elijah in interest.

"Yes, My King. It was quite small. If I hadn't been looking for cracks in the wall, even I wouldn't have found it." Our king let out a chuckle at that.

"So, she even managed to fool my second-in-command. Interesting." He laughed again, but that laugh chilled us to the bone.

"My King, should we leave? The prisoner knows where our hideout is now." Elijah suggested but our king just gazed at us.

"So?" Our king asked. "Just because she knows about this place doesn't mean she, or even the rest of the races have enough power to defeat me. If she's smart enough to fool you, she's smart enough to not disclose our location just yet." Our king said almost causally.

It was true that while the prisoner was here, she was weaker than our king. Even when she had tried countless times to escape, our king had caught her every single time. With that thought in mind, I unconsciously relaxed; as did the others.

At that time little did we know, we had relaxed too soon.


"Are sure this is the place?" Leon asked Bella again as we stood around the table with the territory map spread across it.

"Yes, daddy. I remember it didn't take us long to meet some wolves of the Blazing Wolves pack. They recognized me and told me that I had entered their territory from the southwest."

"Southwest..." Leon muttered as his finger traced the southwest border of the Blazing Wolves pack.

"It can't be the Forbidden Lands..." Grandpa Marco whispered suddenly and everyone's gaze turned to him.

"What's the Forbidden Lands?" I asked and Grandpa Marco sighed.

"Before the peace between the races was achieved centuries ago, a bloody war took place for territories between the werewolves, witches and vampires. The last war that was fought was the bloodiest. After those major losses all the leaders decided to resolve it peacefully."

"Then weren't those losses pointless?" Bella asked the question I was wondering myself and Grandpa Marco chuckled.

"That's what the texts say; but I hear the real story is that the newly appointed vampire's leader was the mate of the werewolf's leader. And the leader of the witch's mate later turned out to be the werewolf leader's beta."

I could hear almost all of us deadpan at the story. Grandpa chuckled again. "The place of the last war was named the Forbidden Lands because everyone agreed to not claim a territory of those bloody grounds. Later, it became a forest everyone unconsciously avoided going."

"Then how should we proceed?" I asked.

"Let's start with a reconnaissance mission. We need to see ourselves how if they are really there or not." Leon said and all the adults nodded in agreement.

"I would recommend you contact the witches then." Holden suddenly stated. "If you want to observe them, I'd first suggest you talk with the witches about their concealment magic and charms. Afterall, this is not just your battle. Those werewolves, especially with their leader, will be dangerous to meet if they catch anyone in their lands. And who knows, they might even change locations if they know that their current location is exposed."

Bella nodded eagerly at Holden's suggestion. "He's right, daddy! They're very vigilant when it comes to their patrolling. They caught me every time I tried to escape. I only succeeded when Maria helped me with her magic."

"But they must have found the loophole in their patrol by now then." I said and Maria smiled.

"It doesn't matter even if they have. Unless they have found a witch more powerful than me, they wouldn't be able to detect my magic."

"She's right. One thing I noticed was that the leader was very arrogant about himself. He doesn't even believe in his subordinates, except his beta." Bella said. "He would've captured another witch by now."

Leon smirked then.

"Then I guess we just need to find the strongest witch alive."


AN: Sorry it's short. I'll try to maintain the length from before. Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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