Chapter One.

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The past ten years have been the best of my life. I remember when it used to be just my mom and me. My father was never in the picture. To me, he was just someone I loathed when I got to know the truth about him. About him raping my mom when she was eighteen. I wasn't told about it, but I overheard my mom talking about it with my dad. Step-dad technically, but I consider him my biological father.

He's always been a father figure to me since my mom started working as his assistant when I was five. And it got better when I got to know the truth about him.

We were both werewolves.

My mom was his mate to my delight. But the surprise for me was the I wasn't supposed to be able to turn into a werewolf until I was sixteen. But I turned into a werewolf when I was three years old.

Dad thought that I better be trained, so mom and I had moved into his house in the pack. Well, mansion is a better word. Casper, the general and Frank, one of the best warriors of dad's pack trained me because I was stronger than normal wolves. Until that faithful day. The day I met my mate...


"Melody, give me the syrup!" The five-year-old me whined and the omega, Melody chuckled and handed me the bottle that was filled with chocolate syrup.

"Here. Don't run away." She said and I giggled as I squeezed the bottle to let the syrup enter my mouth. When my mouth was filled, I closed it, only to have some of the syrup drip down the corner of my mouth. I took slow step back, giggling under my breath before running out of the kitchen completely. With the bottle in hand.

"Isabella!" Melody called behind me but I just giggled even more and ran towards my mom. Mom laughed and bent down towards me, wiping the chocolate away from my face.

Frank was there as well but a throat clearing made us all look up.

My eyes met emerald green ones. Jet black hair, dirtied face, torn clothes, but shining green eyes greeted me.

Before I knew it, my wolf took over and I noticed that even his eyes darkened.

"Mine!" We both growled but dad picked me up, not letting me go to my mate with a "Oh hell no!"

I chuckled remembering our first meeting. Dad wasn't happy I had found my mate so early in life. Xander was two years older than me, but we both had shifted on the same day.

But since that day, Xander and I were inseparable.

Wherever Xander went, I went and wherever I go, Xander goes too. We never minded because we also had to train hard. We were salvation of packs, apparently. Form rogues.

According to a prophecy, whenever Xander or I turned eighteen, then the final battle will be held between packs and rogues.

Xander... Just thinking about him made my spirits lift up. Whenever I was sad, Xander would immediately catch hold of my emotions and he'd either tease me out of the gloomy mood or he'd tickle me to death. Sometimes, he'd get me ice cream and put on my favourite movies even though he hated them. He's still watch them with me as we both devoured the ice cream, occasionally making a comment here and there that would crack me up for a good few minutes.

He was still there with me when I got my first period. He wasn't disgusted like I thought he would be, but I was panicking.

"Xander!" I shrieked when I pulled the quilt away from my body, only to see blood pooling on the bed. I could feel tears flood my eyes and hear footsteps rushing towards my room.

"Bella! What's-" Xander cut off when he saw the blood. His eyes widened and he rushed over to me.

"Xander, I'm scared." I said as I hugged him around his waist tightly. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and hugged me close.

"It's alright, Bells. Let's go call your mom, hm?" He said, obviously knowing what was happening. I looked up at him in question but his cheeks went red and he shook his head, refusing to tell me what was going on. "Come on, get up." He said and I slowly complied. He wrapped the quilt around me, cocooning me in it and picked me up bridal style. I rested my head on his shoulder as he walked out of my room.

"Ma Jennifer!" Xander called for mom when he was near the room mom and dad shared.

"Yes, Xan- what happened!?" Mom asked frantically when she saw me. She rushed over to me and felt my forehead for fever. Xander's cheeks once again went red and he cleared his throat.

"She's bleeding." He said quietly. Moms eyes widened but then a laugh escaped her lips. She pat Xander's arm with a chuckle.

"Thank you, Xander. I've got her now."

After that I was so embarrassed when mom explained to me that I was having my first period and what it meant. I couldn't meet Xander's gaze because of how embarrassed I was feeling. And him being the amazing mate he was, he pretended like the morning didn't happen, but showered me with chocolates and stomach massages for the pain.

"What are you thinking about, Bells?"

A hand came and wrapped around my shoulders just as a body sat beside me on the couch. I sighed in content as I rested my head on the shoulder.

"Just about what an amazing person my mate is." I said and felt a smile against my hair.

"Really?" Xander and I looked up at him with a smile.

"Really." I repeated and stretched my neck slightly, giving Xander a soft kiss. He gave me a soft smile and cupped my face, brushing his thumb on my cheek softly.

"It's just because I got someone even more amazing as a mate." He whispered and I felt a blush come on my cheeks. Xander chuckled and pinched it. "You're so cute." He said and I broke away from his hand, burying my face in his neck instead to hide my red cheeks.

"I'm not cute." I said but gasped in surprise when Xander pulled me on his lap. Damn his super strength. Where I was faster than him, he was stronger than me. He made me sit so that I was straddling him but before I could move, he restrained me by putting his hands on my waist.

"Yes. You're not only cute, you're sexy as hell." He growled playfully and I gasped before lightly hitting him on the shoulder.

"Xander! If dad hears you-" I got cut of when he laughed.

"Bells, I'm officially a wolf and have already claimed you as my mate." He said as he trailed his lips softly over his mark that rested on my neck, I couldn't help but shiver, making Xander smile against the mark. "He can't really protest anymore." Xander said and leaned in for a kiss.

"As a father, maybe no. But as an Alpha, I still can."

We both sprung apart in surprise when dad's amused voice called. My cheeks burned brightly when I saw dad casually leaning against the entrance of the living room, his arms crossed on his chest, an amused smile on his lips.

"Daddy! Come on!" My sister, Naomi, whined. Naomi was my youngest half-sister. She had dad's black hair and moms' violet eyes like me. After mom and dad had completed the mating, mom had soon gotten pregnant with my brother, Levi. After him, mom and dad had Naomi.

"I'm coming, sweetheart. Control yourselves." Dad said to us before leaving with Naomi.

"That was so embarrassing." I groaned against Xander's shoulder while he chuckled.

"It's not like it's the first time he has caught us like that." Xander said as he wrapped his arms around me. I didn't reply but just melted into him with a soft hum. "Bells?" He called softly as his fingers ran through my strawberry blonde hair.

"Hm?" I asked softly.

"I love you." He whispered and I smiled.

"Ilove you too, Xan."


AN: AH it's here! I hope you all enjoy this story just as much as Alpha's Awaited Mate! Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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