Chapter Six.

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I blinked my eyes sleepily as I sat up on my bed slowly. The stupid sun had woken me up when all I wanted to do was have a sleep in just for today. I was off practice too, partly because yesterday I had kind of gone berserk on Edward when I snapped. Yesterday was also Bella's seventeenth birthday.

I sighed as my memories flooded with her. Her face, her laughter, her cute little snores. I sighed and ran a hand through my bed hair, ruffling it up even more. My hair had grown till just at my ear, despite Edwards orders to cut it shorter, I let it be just the way my Bella liked my hair, hoping that she'll come back soon.

She will. My wolf whimpered. I bowed my head down in defeat, the tiny spark of hope I had left not flickering inside me.

-Five days later-

"Naomi! Levi!" I shouted as I chased the two giggling children. They were making teasing noises at me as they ran behind Leon, trying to save themselves. I looked at Leon while he gave me a raised eyebrow but then looked down at the two children poking their tongue out at me.

"Alright, what did you two do?" He asked but the two kids only giggled, not answering him. He shook his head with a small chuckle and then looked at me. I sighed in defeat, knowing what he wanted me to do but before I could say anything, another voice came.


We all turned around to see Ma Jennifer looking at Leon pleadingly. The little humour he had on his face immediately vanished and he went to his mate in a flash.

"Yes, sweetheart?" Leon asked and then Ma Jennifer looked at me.

"Xander, can you take them outside?" Ma Jennifer asked and I slowly nodded. Taking their hands in mine, I took Naomi and Levi out, before chasing them with a playful roar to distract them from whatever was happening inside.

Something made the hairs on the back on my neck tingle. I woke up to that sensation, my wolf stirring inside me with a new energy after a long time.

Could it be... I wondered but then shook my head.

Getting up from the bed, I shook my head and pulled some pants on. No, I wasn't sleeping naked, just in my boxers.

I slowly walked out of the house and then looked around before walking in the direction I felt a pull towards. The wind blew softly in the night, the sound of trees ruffling came to me and I took a deep breath, only to freeze when I caught a faint scent of lilacs.

Xander... My wolf said cautiously before I broke out in a sprint towards the scent.

It's her! It's her! I thought faintly and my wolf howled in delight as I increased my speed. The scent grew stronger and stronger as I ran towards the woods. I caught two other scents but dismissed them. All I could think was that I had to get to my mate, my love.

The world passed me in a blur as I ran as fast as I could towards the outskirts of the forest, not caring that I might be getting lured into a trap. All I could think was of getting to Bella, seeing she was safe, that she was alive.

I squinted my eyes as I spotted two large figures at a distance. As I ran closer, I saw that they were two men, rogues. They stopped short when they noticed me. I was about to growl but then the wind blew again and suddenly long red hair blew with the wind behind one of the mans' back.

"Bella!" My wolf and I shouted in disbelief. The other man reached behind the guy and slowly lifted an unconscious Bella from his back. I stopped short; a growl came from my lips as I saw that Bella was trapped in chains.

The man came towards me without a hint of hesitation and gently put Bella down on the ground before walking back towards his companion. "She's all yours." He slowly said and I ran over to Bella without a hesitation.

"You trapped my mate in silver chains!?" My wolf growled as my hands lightly heated up at the contact with silver. It didn't burn Bella and I, only heated our skin enough to make us a little weaker.

"We had no choice. We were lucky enough to find her while she was hunting." The man who was carrying Bella said. I froze inside my mind and so did my wolf.

"Hunting? Practice hunting or..."

"The proper hunting." The man said and I froze.

But Bella hates hunting.

"Was she alone?" I asked and the men nodded in confirmation.

Xander... There's something wrong with her scent. My wolf said in worry as I lifted Bella up in my arms after pulling the chains apart. I took a deep breath in the feeling of relief of having Bella back, but I could also detect something wrong with her scent.

"We think the men who took her gave her something. The scent she has is very unusual." One of them said noticing my frown. I looked down at her, noting any changes in her I could find. She thankfully still that that softness to her face, though it seemed a little sharper than before. She was taller, her body seemed more agile than before and somewhere in the back of my mind, I noticed that she had grown curves in all the right places.

Xander! My wolf chuckled and I flushed slightly.

"Thank you, for bringing her back." I said and the men nodded. Before I could say another word, they ran away, not stopping when I called them.

I knocked on the door softly and soon, a sleepy Leon opened the door.

"Xander? What-? Have you noticed the time?" He asked in agitation and I kind of felt guilty since Leon barely got anytime to sleep as it was.

"Sorry. Can you wake Ma Jennifer?" I asked softly and he frowned. "Smell me." I said and he frowned even more but did as told. His eyes widened when he caught the smell of lilacs on me.

He looked at me in disbelief and I nodded in confirmation.

He ran into the room and I heard him waking Ma Jennifer softly but urgently. When they both came out, Ma Jennifer sleepily blinking up at me, I led them into the living room where I had placed Bella temporarily.

"What's going on, Xander?" Ma Jennifer asked but then gasped when she saw Bella lying on the couch. "Is that..." She asked softly, her voice coming out broken and I nodded.

"It is." I said softly and wrapped an arm around her trembling shoulder. "Two men found her and gave her to me." I said.

Ma Jennifer ran over to her, crying, kissing and hugging Bella all at once. I could hear her muttering "My baby." again and again as she did and my heart broke at Ma Jennifer's sobs. She clung to Bella as if she'd disappear in a flash but I couldn't blame her either. I didn't even understand how I was handling this so calmly.

One second, Bella was unconscious in Ma Jennifer's arms, the next, she was pressed against the wall, awake and very much alert, looking at Ma Jennifer with wide eyes. Leon's eyes widened at her speed, as did mine. Ma Jennifer was looking at Bella in disbelief, her posture frozen.

Bella looked around the room as if assessing her surroundings

when her eyes landed on me and widened

"You!" She growled but her voice sounded wild, her eyes feral. Before I knew it she lunged for me while I froze in disbelief. And before I knew what was happening, I felt myself lose all my breath. Bella was choking me, her eyes betraying her thoughts.

Death. For me.


AN: Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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