Chapter Ten: Make it Rain

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A/N: More characters with powers get introduced

As one would imagine, there was a lot of back and forth about who was going going with Beatrix.

"I should just go alone," she said. "We don't want to overwhelm her."

Valerie shook her head. "We can't let you go alone. What if you get kidnapped again?"

Beatrix snorted. "You think I can't defend myself? I've been doing fine for the past week."

"Maybe Valerie should go," Pluto said. "She can do her ice thing as proof that the powers are real."

"She already knows they are, or else she wouldn't have texted me," Beatrix said. "And while I agree that it would be safer not to go alone, bringing someone with powers along might scare her."

"I could go. But maybe three of us should go in case we get attacked," Evianna suggested.

"That might be a good idea," I said. "We should keep Valerie here in case someone that's worked on the hotel shows up, but we shouldn't leave her alone. I could stay, since I could protect her if anyone came."

"Why would I bring two non-powered people with me?" Beatrix asked. "It doesn't make sense for both of you to stay behind. If you come with me, Pluto can stay here since their car is outside."

"It doesn't make sense for both of us to leave, either," I told her. "It would be better if there was one of us in each group, and we're both wanted, remember? Not to mention a bunch of people saw my face and filmed me earlier."

"If we can't agree on anything, we can draw straws," Pluto said.

"That is a terrible idea," Evianna responded.

"How?!" Pluto demanded.

"What if both Valerie and Damira pull the shortest ones? Then we have no protection if someone bad comes here," she said. "Or the other way around, they both have the stay and whoever leaves has no protection."

"Beatrix is protection," Valerie reminded her.

"The girl could just come here," I suggested.

Evianna shook her head. "No way, we can't reveal our location to anyone before we know we can trust them."

"We can't trust anyone, so we might as well take the risk," Pluto replied, frustrated.

"We can trust each other," Valerie chimed in.

"Which is why we should trust each other to protect each other-" I started.

"All of you, shut the fuck up!" Beatrix yelled. "We all turned to look at her in surprise. "Evianna and I are going! Everyone else is staying here, and that's final," she said.

"Yes ma'am," Pluto said sarcastically, which Beatrix ignored.

The two of them walked out the door, leaving the three of us standing there. "Well, okay then," Valerie said cheerfully. "I'm gonna go explore a bit, and find out where the bathroom is." And off she went.

I turned to Pluto. "Wanna raid the pantry?" I asked.

"Obviously," they responded.

Inside it, we found bread, canned soup, cookies, rice, pasta, boxed vegetables, tea, and a bunch of ingredients such as flour, sugar, baking powder, and so forth.

"Wow," I said, grabbing a packet of pasta. "Even the people who are gonna work here have it made."

"There's definitely gonna be enough for everyone if more of the kids join us," Pluto agreed.

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