Chapter Fourteen: Going In

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A/N: join my book awards please and thank you

"Okay, so let's go over this one more time," Evianna said.

Beatrix sighed. "Okay, one more time."

She looked at the small crowd in front of her. It was eight thirty in the evening, and we were all gathering in front of the hotel. Beatrix stood in front of us, I stood by Valerie, and Pluto, Evianna, Hayley, Sean, and Marcus stood around us.

"Pluto will be the getaway driver, and will stay outside in the car, waiting for us. Sean and Hayley will lure the guards away, and I'll get rid of them."

That concerned me a bit, but I didn't actually want to know how she was going to do that, so I didn't ask.

"While that's happening, Damira, Valerie, Evianna, and Hayley, will go in. I'll join you when I'm done."

"Wait, what about Marcus?" Evianna asked.

"I'm gonna be helping with the guards," he explained.

"We made a plan last night," Beatrix assured her.

"So what do we do when we get in?" Valerie asked. "Just wing it?"

I shook my head. "When we get in, we'll split into two groups, and go down separate hallways. I'll go with Hayley, you go with Evianna."

"What about you?" Evianna asked Beatrix.

"I'll be fine on my own," she replied. "Also, we need keycards, guys. We only have one, and if we aren't all there, people are gonna get left behind. They look like this," she pulled the sleek black card out of her pocket. "And the guards have them on their belt. Try to steal some, if you can."

"What if we can't get any?" Hayley asked.

Beatrix sighed. "That's when we wing it."

It wasn't the best plan, but it was the best one we we had, and we didn't have time to make others. "Also, these are the walkie talkies that Val got us. We have eight, so take one each." As we all reached forward to grab one, Pluto spoke up.

"Now that that's over, I think the real question here is... how are we gonna fit everyone in my car?" they asked. "There are five seats, and we're eight people."

"We can have someone on the floor in the back. And someone in the trunk," Beatrix suggested.

"I don't think that's legal," Sean said worriedly.

"Nothing we've done in the past two weeks has been legal," I said.

"But that's still only seven," Valerie said. "Does anyone here have a car? We can carpool."

"I do," Marcus said. We all turned to look at him. "My cousin has a shop. It's been there forever, though."

"Will it run, though?" Pluto asked.

"It will get us there," Marcus assured us. "And it has four seats. The shop is only a few blocks away. Who's coming?"

"I'll go in yours," Valerie said. She was looking kind of nervous, so I decided I would go with her.

"Me too," Beatrix and I said at the same time. Well, that was awkward. But I wasn't about to back down, and neither was she.

"Okay, we'll go to Marcus's car, and drive back here. Don't leave without us," Beatrix said.

The three of us started following Marcus. "How come your car's been in the shop for a year?" Beatrix asked.

"It broke down in the middle of the road last time I was driving it. It used to be my cousin's car, so I figured he'd know how to fix it."

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