Chapter Twenty Four: Death Date

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A/N: we're nearing the end of the book! I have like two readers lmaooo

"Are they coming?" I asked Beatrix, as her perfectly manicured nails tapped the screen of her phone.

"Yes," she responded. "Their lunch break just started so they're coming down. Olivia said something huge happened?"

Knowing Olivia, this could either be a life changing occurrence, or she could have broken a nail.

"Something bad?" I asked.

"I don't know, it wasn't specified."

Maybe it had been a mistake to show Alexis where the hotel was. But it was too late now, she knew where we lived. If she sold us out, it would be a huge blow.

"How many are coming?" Alexis asked.

"Three," I replied.

"Is that everyone?" she asked.

"Uh-huh," I said, determined not to sell out Marcus, Hayley, and Sean. "We don't know anyone else out here."

"Someone just emailed me about the powers," Beatrix whispered to me. "Someone I haven't called."

"What did they say?"

"She said she's been doing some research on the powers for a while, and she somehow found me through that video of you. She knows who we are, but she doesn't sound threatening. She sounds... older. She said stuff just grows around her."

"So, plant control?" I whispered. "That's a pretty cool power."

She nodded. "I'm going to ask her to meet up tonight."

Alexis was starting to look at us suspiciously, so we stopped whispering and started looking innocently out of the car window. We waited for a bit, and I got out of the car, standing by the tree line. Soon, I saw a familiar trio coming towards me.

"How was it?" I asked.

"Stressful," Valerie said. "I'm gonna have to drop an elective class if I want to keep up. But they're not gonna take me off honour roll."

"A couple was doing unspeakable things in one of the bathrooms while I was in there," Olivia said. "It was horrifying."

"But on a less traumatic but more important note," Pluto started. "Evianna called."

"What did she say?" I asked.

"A lot," Olivia said. "We can talk about it when we get inside."

"Actually, there's someone here who wants to talk to you guys," I said, as they walked past me towards the car, where it's two occupants had stepped out. "But I think this is more important."

"Alexis!" Valerie cried, running into the older woman's arms.

"Who's this?" Pluto asked.

"Some FBI agent that knows Val's family," I explained. "Apparently they have a case on us. But she says she wants to help me and Beatrix not to go to jail."

"Does she know about the... you know?" Olivia asked, lowering her voice.

I nodded. "We told her about our powers. But not anyone else's."

"We're gonna have to take a rain check," I told Alexis. "Something came up."

"Alright, here's my number," she said, tossing me a business card. "This will give me some time to do background checks on these two," she continued, referring to Olivia and Pluto.

"They're not threats," Valerie promised. "You don't have to."

After a bit of decision making, Valerie decided to go with Alexis, promising to come back soon. I guessed she wanted to tell her about her powers privately, which was understandable. The rest of us went inside.

"So, when did she call you?" I asked. "Right before Beatrix texted," Olivia said. "I was in the bathroom stall, absolutely traumatized from what I had just heard, and my phone started buzzing in my pocket. It was an unknown number so I assumed it was just a scam call, but I decided to pick up, just in case."

"Why would she call you from another phone?" Beatrix asked, as we sat down at the kitchen table. "Doesn't she have her own?"

"That's why I think she was telling the truth," Olivia said. "Since she didn't want Thomas to know she was calling, so she wouldn't use her own phone. And she was talking super quietly and in an urgent tone."

"So what did she tell you?" I asked, not being able to take the suspense anymore.

"Well, first she said hi. And I didn't really say anything back, cause I didn't know what to say. And I figured she was just calling to taunt me, or something."

My eyes flicked over to Beatrix, who was tapping her foot nervously on the wooden floor. It sounded almost like a drum beat, adding to the building suspense, and if there had been some dramatic music in the background, this could have been a scene straight out of a movie.

"So, I asked what was up," Olivia continued. "And she said that Thomas had told her, that there's basically a... death date. For everyone with the powers."

"A what?" I asked.

She sighed. "Well, not an exact date. More like a period of time that's been predicted. She said that Thomas told her that the next few weeks are going to be the most challenging ones. Like, some of you might die from your powers. Not everyone, but some of the ones who have stronger ones. It's sounds mostly like a theory, but clearly it worried her enough to reach out."

Beatrix stopped tapping her foot.

A/N: I know this is insanely short, but I wanted to end it with the death date note, so forgive me

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