K-POP Extreme Survival -2

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Mingyu's POV

As soon as we entered the studio, staff was present everywhere but I didn't care for anyone but Wonwoo as  I cupped his face to bring him back mentally. As he looked into my eyes I removed my hands from his face and held our hands together and pulled him into a green room attached.

Wonwoo's hand was cold and shivering and he looked extremely nervous. I tried to pull him out of his head. I know how much he overthinks stuff and right now he must have wrote an entire essay about things that could go wrong.

It was terrifying for me the first time as well but I had been preparing it for a long time but now Wonwoo just had few days in which his entire lifestyle was reversed.

"Hyung.....hyung.....Wonwoo...listen to me....", I made him sit on the chair inside green room and asked few of the staff members present in there to give us few minutes. "Wonwoo look at me." He still was terrified and I am not sure what was going through his head.

I cupped his face again as I made him look directly at me, "Hyung I am right here, no one is going to do anything to you, you are always safe with me,..... here drink some water and tell me what are you thinking I'll help you out, we will solve things together." I said to him as I removed a bottle's cap and made him drink few sips.

He calmed down a bit as he was looking at me thinking something.

"Wonwoo hyung we are in this together, you are not alone, we will pass through this together, you can share your thoughts with me."

"Mingyu......I...am.....scared, there were soo many reporters out..... continuously  asking.... so many questions.... there was pushing here and there I honestly didn't know where to go......I am so lost..... I am sorry."

"No hyung don't say sorry first time is always terrifying, but don't worry I will guide you through and in no time you will be expert at handling all this reporters. Just trust me and let's move forward together."

Not sure what went through Wonwoo's head then but he pulled me into a hug. It was sweet how Wonwoo trusted me and felt safe in my arms.

There was a knock on the door, Nam hyung entered, "Wonwoo are you feeling okay now?" Wonwoo nodded still hugging me just now looking at Nam hyung.

"Good. Let's start getting now, conference starts in couple of minutes."

Nam hyung left to call all the staff members in.

"Thank you, Gyu."

Wonwoo called me Gyu. He actually called me Gyu in an endearing way that too.

"Wonu I am always with you.", I smiled as this was the best thing that has happened so far today.


I and Wonwoo are all ready now, Wonwoo seemed a bit calm as well. I held Wonwoo's hand as he looked at me, "let's do it, fighting!"

Wonwoo gave me his rare even better then Soonyoung-I-am-your-fan smiles which was a perfect blessing to watch.

We interviewed our fingers as the doors opened........

Flashlights started again, I could feel Wonwoo flinch a bit but I tightened my grip and started stroking he gave me a tight nudge saying 'he is alright'.

We both sat on the stage with various microphones directed towards us and reporters sat down on the chairs arranged in rows. I and Wonwoo both bowed in front of them as we acknowledged all of them and showed our respect.

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