Love Alarm

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The next day around 7 am

Jeonghan's POV

Yesterday Jihoon and I slept in Wonwoo's room as he wanted some 'me time' which is understandable as him being an introvert and being the centre of attention for such a long time must be exhausting for him.

As I came out of the room, I did not expect to see what I saw, Wonwoo and Mingyu were cuddling while sleeping. Wonwoo being the small spoon and Mingyu tightly holding hugging him. Plus, Wonwoo having a small genuine smile which was lost for a long time. I am happy that Mingyu is in Wonwoo's life.

Initially, I had thought of waking him up for a morning workout, I know Wonwoo hates early mornings, but a refreshing start of the day would be helpful to cheer him up. But looking at them right now, if I wake up Wonwoo he will kill me for two reasons, the first being waking him up very early even though it is 7am and many people usually start their day at this point of time, but for him morning is 10am and second is because I would be cutting his cuddling time with Mingyu, though Wonwoo looks like he is not a cuddle person, but from knowing him for soo many years I know he lowkey craves for cuddles and just doesn't want to admit like Jihoon.

So, I went back to sleep to complete my 8 hours of beauty sleep as today we are going to Hype to see and plan out plans of Wonwoo and Mingyu's future public plan. On top of that, I'll meet my Cheollie after some time as he has been super busy in meetings planning Fluid7's future projects.

Mingyu's POV around 8 am

I woke up with something heavy on me and with the slightest breaths playing on my neck, as I opened my eyes, I realised how lucky I am that I can see this ethereal face as the first thing in morning, and then I remembered yesterday night's events and how beautiful they were.

I can't believe Wonwoo, and I are dating, and my career is not an obstacle to it plus I have the public rooting for us, and my company is sponsoring our dates.

As I move a little, I am sure my body is sore as it's not used to the weight of someone in one position for a long time, Wonwoo moves and slightly opens his eyes, looking directly into my eyes then he smiles and kisses my cheek and goes back to sleep. He pulls me closer to his body if it was possible and then rests his head on my neck.

After ten seconds, he pauses and lifts his head looking at me again. I realised this was him subconsciously doing as if it was a dream, but he has now come to a realisation that I am here, but still, there is some confusion on his face and suddenly I felt cold hands on my stomach precisely fingers feeling my abs.

After one second, Wonwoo paused again and then he positioned himself and again hugged me by putting his face near my neck... my weakness and mumbled softly, "This... is your dream... go back to sleep".

Wonwoo is soo cute, I squealed a little.

"Sure, but next time baby let me tell you when you see me in your dreams, remember I like it rough" I replied settling my body more comfortably and pulling him closer to me and going back to sleep, with a huge smile on my face.


At Hype in the conference room...

Mingyu's POV

With an excellent start to today's day, Nam hyung, after having many meetings with Seungcheol hyung, said he wanted to make announcements regarding our group's future projects. I am kind of scared since it's always Seungcheol hyung who gives us heads-up whenever we plan anything but this time there is nothing.

Everyone from Fluid7, Wonwoo, Jeonghan and Jihoon is sitting being as chaotic as we are chatting our way waiting for Nam hyung to come.

I could hear Seungcheol hyung and Jeonghan hyung's conversation... "Don't you ever get tired?" Cheol questioned while holding hands with Jeonghan. "Of what?" "Looking so gorgeous without even trying." Jeonghan rolled his eyes but blushed hard "You're so embarrassing, but 8 hours sleep is the key", he complained with a smile.

No one noticed Nam hyung come in as everyone was busy in their own world i.e., their respective 'boyfriends' and crazy banter.

Meanwhile, Nam hyung is used to our chaotic behaviour so he has gone ahead and made himself an announcement of his arrival, "Attention! Attention! Attention! Everyone your one and only manager, Nam Young Hwan has arrived please spare your precious two minutes for him", with that all of us looked at Nam hyung and waited for him to tell us our groups future plans.

"I hope everyone of you is doing well, I am very excited to announce that Fluid7 will be going on their first world tour in two months and the countries covered will be the USA, Canada, Philippines, Japan, and South Korea of course. I and Seungcheol have been talking to management and they will be making all the arrangements for this. Further details will be shared in the following days. Oh yes and this tour has been spread across 4 months. I am so proud of you guys for working so hard and coming this far. I am saying from the heart as I have seen you all struggle and work soo hard to reach this level, you guys deserve all the love that is coming your way and much more that will come."

Everyone cheered as he announced. It was celebration time, we all stood up to dance and Wonwoo again came to my side and hugged me tight and surprisingly kissed me cheek while hugging which was so fast, not noticeable to anyone but he continued to hug me and softly confess, "I love you and I am so proud of you...."

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