Part 41- A New Start

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Hello everyone! Here's chapter forty-one, do let me know how you guys like it :)

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 Help maintain the hype!! After all these efforts maybe we'll get a season 2 💛================================================================================

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After breakfast and a quick "muh dikhai" ceremony- it was time for the farewell of Ishqi from her family into a new one. Although she was super excited to have been married into an amazing family and to a husband who loved her to the core, it was still hard for her to say goodbye to those who raised her into the wonderful woman she was today. 

Today, she wouldn't just she someone's little girl anymore, she would have responsibilities and would have to step up her maturity a little. Ishqi was excited but emotional to bid farewell to her maternal home and enter a new household in a new role, from a daughter to now, someone's wife and a daughter-in-law.  

Since the families were in DIU for the wedding, they had to return to Delhi the same day, it was decided that the "vidaai" would happen from the resort itself and Ishqi and Ahaan would travel back to Delhi from there. Dadi, Chachi, and Chacha had already gone back to Delhi to prepare for the welcome of the newly weds. 

All of the family members stood in the garden as the driver brought the car to the main entrance for Ishqi and Ahaan to leave in, their luggage was already packed into it and everything was ready and set to go. 

There was a pathway made of flowers that they had to follow to the exit, with Ahaan by her side and her family behind her- Ishqi started throwing rice backwards and she walked forward. The moment was brimmed with overwhelming emotions, but happiness was common amongst all. 

Soon the exit door was near, Ishqi turned around and hugged all her family members with tears in her eyes, as much as she was excited to enter the new stage of her life, she was very emotional to detach herself a little from her parents and siblings. 

Ahaan gave her hand a tight, reassuring squeeze and she smiled through the tears, grateful to god that he'd bestowed such a blessing upon her. The both got in the car and left towards the airport. 

~ In the car (backseat)

Ahaan turned Ishqi's face towards him and wiped her tears with the tissue paper from the tissue box her'd remembered to bring. She smiled at him but her gaze remained glued downwards, Ahaan knew his wife was feeling a little low at the moment so to cheer her up a bit, an idea struck his mind as he glanced out the window. 

"STOP!" he yelled to which the driver pulled the breaks and Ishqi turned to look at him, "Kya hua??!" she asked- 

Ahaan: Mujhe bhook lag rahi hai..tumhe bhi bhook laagi hai na?

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