Part 32- Light in the Darkness

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Hello everyone! Here's chapter thirty-two, do let me know how you guys like it :)

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The rest of the day seemed to pass by quick, which was hated by two people the most- Ishqi and Ahaan. They didn't want the marriage rituals to begin, they were both very discontent with the decision that had been made.  

Although both had agreed for the marriage, neither were happy about it, they'd vowed to never stop loving each other, it was not their fault that they'd fallen in love with each other! But their families' were treating it like a crime. 

They were being forced into new relationships while everyone knew they wouldn't be able to truthfully fulfill them, their parents had given them swears and that was the only reason they had agreed to go on with what was previously planned. 

Ishqi and Ahaan had protested several times that there was no need for different functions to take place, "this is NOT a normal marriage" they'd told everyone several times but no one seemed to pay any heed to their requests. The elders discarded it as, "Oberoi's aur Mehta's ke bhi kuch armaan hai" and both had to agree with a heavy heart because it was not like they were being heard anyways. 

Ishqi and Ahaan had also questioned Rahul & Rhea as to why they were marrying them when they knew that they could never love them, but like everyone, they too were being stubborn, they separately brushed it off as, "I love you, that's why"- 

"But I don't love you!" they both had replied to them but still, Rahul and Rhea didn't seem too bothered about that. "Shaadi ke baad cheeze badal jaati hai...feelings bhi!" they had replied, it was like everyone had sworn to irritate them. 

The night the decision was made and announced to everyone in the garden, none of the young lot could sleep, some due to sadness and some happiness. Specifically for Ishqi and Ahaan, it was the worst night of their lives and they both knew they had a lot of those incoming. In their respective rooms, they twisted and turned the entire night, they tried to mentally prepare themselves and accept the circumstances as they were, but they couldn't just move on like that! 

It was their first real love, they loved each other more than themselves and Ahaan for Ishqi and Ishqi for Ahaan decided to put their sadness in the backseat and try to lift each other up. Although they thought they couldn't be together, their hearts would always stay connected and their love would never fade away. 

~ The Next Morning ~

As the next day dawned some people woke up and excitedly got out of bed to get ready for the functions that were being held in the garden starting from 2pm in the afternoon. While others, specifically Ishqi and Ahaan couldn't sleep an inch the entire night, their brains were clouded with thoughts, thoughts, and thoughts while their hearts were broken, sadness was quite visible in both their eyes and heartbreak could be heard in their voices. 

But to lessen each other's pain and for the sake of their families both covered it up with either makeup or a smile. Tara and Kartik had both been the best siblings to Ishqi and Ahaan, checking up on them every few hours to make sure they had eaten and were okay, but they both clearly knew the two were everything but okay.

Kartik & Tara had tried very hard to get the elders to change their decisions but all their efforts had gone in vain, the elders seemed very firm and confident on their decision and had assured Tartik  that their decision was for the best of Ishqi & Ahaan, they just had to wait for some time for it to be revealed fully. 

Ishqaan: The Games of Destiny ( ✔️)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ