Chapter 6

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"Kipo, can you tell me the answer to this question?" Kipo snapped her head up to the teacher then the board with a math problem written on it.

She looked it over and knew the answer. Glancing at her teacher then around the class. Most people were looking at her waiting, others were on the phones or quietly talking to each other. Kipo cleared her throat.

"-2x," Kipo said looking at the problem again. She could see the slight smile on her teacher's face.

"Good job. If only everyone was as smart as you," the teacher said scanning the class. Kipo shrunk a bit.

The slight bitterness in her voice was condescending to her compliment. Kipo looked over to Cotton who lightly shrugged. She felt eyes burning into her skull, drilling into her being.

Lunch came around and Kipo walked with Cotton out to the courtyard. She went over to the same place she sits every day. In a corner bench. At first, she tried to join people during lunch, but they all shooed her away. She understood and just gave up after the first few days. Now she sits in this corner. Her only company is an adult who's being paid to supervise her. They talked about Cotton's local band as Kipo slowly ate the lunch her mom packed. It's normally leftovers, a fruit, and a small snack.

"Hey Kipo," A voice said pulling Kipo's attention. The boy she helped yesterday stood in front of her.

"I wanted to think you for your help. I got an A for the first time in that class," Benson said.

"If you ever stop by Cappachino's just ask for me, I'll hook you up," He said with a bright smile then headed off back into school.

"You made a friend," Cotton asked.

"No, I just helped him with his math work," Kipo said a soft sadness in her voice.

Kipo doesn't like getting things for helping others. It's not why she does it. Kipo just likes helping others. It makes sense that others want to repay that kindness, but it's still something she doesn't like. Though this could be a chance to make a new friend. Kipo spotted the slightly younger girl who saved her life walking down the courtyard.

"I'll be right back," Kipo said pushing up from the ground and running after the girl. She jumped in front of her startling the younger girl.

"Christie," Kipo said.

"Oh, hi Kipo," the girl said already calmed down from her scare. Kipo smiled.

"I wanted to ask if we could hang out after school today?" Kipo brightly smiled.

"I helped you out because I hate the Mods, not to be your friend," Christie said walking past Kipo. Kipo followed beside her.

"Well, what if they attack me again after school." The girl groaned out a bit then looked at Kipo.

"I like being alone," she said. Kipo lightly frowned.

"Then be alone with me."

"That's not how it works,"

"Hang out with me just today, if you still feel that way then I'll never bother you again." Kipo offered, holding out her hand. The girl looked Kipo over then accepted. Kipo let out an excited gasp of air as she pulled the younger girl into a hug.

"No hugs," Christie said pushing Kipo off her.

"After school, Mr. Oak's room," Kipo said rushing back to Cotton with a smile.

"Now I made a friend." She gleaned as she sat back down and ate her food.

School ended. Kipo sat in her dad's classroom explaining to him what happened at lunch. Asking to drop them off at the courtyard in the city. The girl walked into the classroom with a soft annoyed face.

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