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Izaan's POV

"If you agree with the conditions of the contract, our designing team will interact with yours to make sure the best of both capacities are used. For us, client approval matters most hence we will have to coordinate with Mr.Mittal here about every intricate detail. Finally , the finances will be looked after by the board of directors before passing the bills for money retrieval. That should clear any resident doubts." I finish and walk towards my chair on the table. I was called in by my secretary just as Noor left for this emergency meeting that was preponed due to the clients.

This contract is important for us, if we get this partnership with Khuranas who are a good competitor of ours, we could profit a lot.

"We are impressed with the  workings in your company Mr.Durrani. We would love to go ahead with this partnership." He gets up shaking hands with me, I just nod. I am so happy we got this.

I am in my cabin when Papa walks in, " I heard you got the deal with the Khuranas. I am happy about the progress son. So marriage did actually work well for you"

I get up, allowing him to sit first before I take a seat again, "Thanks Papa."

"Are you angry with me?"

"You haven't spoken to me since your marriage!"
"No papa, I am not angry. It's just I was shocked and hurt you made such a huge decision about my  life without asking me and so fast at that."

"Beta, it might have been fast, but I  believe Noor is the best choice for you." I smile at hearing her name. Ofcourse she is, nobody is better than her, never has been.

"That smile on your face is telling me you agree with me. Keep my advice in mind Izu, that girl is one of a kind. Don't hurt her in your stubbornness. She is a keeper. If you misbehave, I will be the first one to eliminate you from her life."

That catches my attention and fury I have not known before builds in my chest, the thought of loosing her gets me so mad I might actually become insane.

"No papa, I won't let anybody take her away from me. She is my purpose of living. I will do everything to repent for my past mistakes."

"That's like my son. Now take it easy and rest for a while. It's lunch break now. Okay?"

I nod and we then walk out of my cabin. It's almost time for Noorie's  college to be over. Let's go pick her up.

I park my car near the college entrance so Noor can spot me easily. The time is up, I can see a huge group of students coming out of the college building. Where will I find my Noor in this huge ass crowd? After a good ten minutes of standing here and trying to ignore women staring  me down like I am a piece of meat, I finally spot my girl coming out the building with a few other girls and one of them was in hijab. I wish to see my girl also that way. What's wrong with her suddenly?

I see her glaring at a few girls who scurry away, she then walks towards me, " What are you doing here standing in the middle of the road? Can't get enough of the female attention, can you?", she hisses at me. My chest feels a sting at her words. Is that what she thinks of me? A manwhore? Maybe that's the picture I portrayed or maybe that's who I am. But I swear to God I have been celibate ever since we got married.

I just shake my head, "Noor, I just parked here bec-...."

"Hey, Noorie! Should I drop you back home too?", the same asshole from yesterday interrupts. My eyes go red at his sight and I hardly managed not to snap his neck into two.

"Hi Riz! Yeah that would be nice. But I have got to deal with something right now. So you go right ahead. I will text ya later." She smiles at him broadly.

Later? Why the hell will she text him in the first place?

"Noor, we are getting late. Just get into the car." I tell her and open the door for her and she sits down. I glare at that fucker as hardly as I could and walk towards the driver side. I buckle up and start the car.

"Noor, why did you go with him today morning when you had the car."

"Stop asking me stupid questions. He insisted on picking me and I  just couldn't deny him"

"Couldn't deny? Is he that special you can't deny him a damn ride to college?"

"Special? No. Very very special? Hell yes!"

My heart pricks at every sentence that's coming out of her mouth. What's wrong with her? Where is my naive innocent Noorie who didn't even glance at another man? Who is she and what has she done with my Noor?

Keep it together, Izaan. Deal with this calmly. Calm down. Calm. Yes.

I just drive towards home. The silence is awkward. The tension in the car so thick it can be cut with a knife. Once I park, she just walks out with her sunglasses on. Now that I recall, she kept her sunglasses on all through the ride.

I park the car and just get into home. I took the rest of the day off, thinking I could spend it with Noor but doesn't seem like it's happening anytime soon.

So I will just sit in my study and go through some files. I skip lunch because I don't have the appetite anymore. Not that it would taste like Noorie's food anyway. I knew she always hated cooking. And during the initial days of our marriage her food used to be half cooked. But i still ate it. Something about it made me feel like home. And she became a pro in it eventually. It is now that I realise I want to eat her food only.

I still remember the taste of the hyderabadi biryani that she made. It was splendid for someone who cooked it for the first time.

Snap out of it Izaan. Focus on the work at hand. I bury my head into tons of paper work. Life sucks. I am not fond of this desk work. I love to be on the field.

9:30 PM, Izaan's penthouse

I wake up startled at the ringtone of my phone. When did I even fall asleep? I pick up my phone and see it's Fayaz calling me, he is another  friend I made during my rendezvous at the pubs. I don't want to talk with him now. I just silence the call and decide to make some coffee for myself.

Ten minutes later my brewing coffee is all ready. I put it in my mug and go into the living room. There is a huge picture of our wedding on the wall. She was the one who ordered it and renovated the entire living few months ago. I never really observed this picture before.

You were busy being an asshole to her, probably that's why.

Yes, that might be the reason. I am noticing now the serene look on her face. This was taken without my knowledge when we were both sitting on the stage. Noor had gotten up and was about to climb down from the stage  when she suddenly lost balance, I panicked seeing her imbalance and was quick to put my hands across her waist and we had this filmy moment as she turns her head around to look at her savior and gave me that beautiful smile reaching her eyes that I am now obsessed with. I kept staring into her eyes until we heard the clearing of throats and realsied everyone was staring at us.

This picture was candidly shot at that moment when our eyes met. We look so perfect in it. She looks like she is on top of the world. Her smile is so gorgeous it lights up the world.

Your world. You mean her smile lights up your world.

Shut up.

I have decided I am going to give a chance to our relationship. I want to see where this goes with Noor. Speaking of her, where is she?

I am heading towards her room when my phone pings indicating a delivered message. I open it to check and fuck!!

Is it what I am seeing!!!! What the bloody fucking hell?

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