Chapter 3: New Life

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A now 20 year old Estello stood in front of the mirror brushing his teeth, his hair completely black. He spit out the toothpaste into the sink and checked his hair in the mirror before walking out of the bathroom. He grabbed a jacket that was on a nearby chair.

"Let's go Buddy." He called, and the dog hopped off the bed following after him. "We're on!"

"Before I knew it, ten years had passed. You could even say we had made a home for ourselves."

"Horace, heads up!" Estello tossed a hat at a fully grown Horace who caught it.

"Two minutes! It's stoppage time." He complained.

"We were like a family."

"Horace, if you're not ready in ten seconds, we're leaving without you!" (Y/n) threatened. She still looked the same, except now she was taller, and had developed a more womanly figure. She had grown up into a beautiful young lady, and Estello had noticed.

Estello was eating breakfast and looked over at (Y/n) who turned to look at him. He shot her a wink and she smiled shyly and blushed, looking away.

"A family that's good at...stealing stuff."


Jasper was on a bus and bumped into a woman.

"I'm frightfully sorry." He apologized. "Do you now if Piccadilly is the next stop?" He asked as he reached into the woman's purse and stole her wallet.

"Really, really, really good."

(Y/n) bumped into a man and slipped his wallet out of his pocket and dropped it on the floor for Wink to pick up.

"I'm so sorry! I'm such a klutz today." She apologized.

"No worries miss." The man winked at her and gave her a smirk.

Estello was quick to notice this and immediately rushed over.

"Oh, this is us darling." He said, grabbing her hand and dragging her away from the man.

Wink went to the front of the bus and dropped the stolen wallet into an umbrella that Horace was carrying.

Jasper exits the bus with Horace, and (Y/n) and Estello got off after them and linked arms as they walked. Estello briefly glanced up at a sign in the bus that advertised the "House of Baroness," and (Y/n) noticed.


"We expanded our business."

Horace lifted Wink up through a vent that led into a room while Estello and (Y/n) kept watch. Wink then opened the door from the inside allowing them to steal things inside the room.


Estello sat behind a sewing machine, and (Y/n) came up to him showing him some drawings that she had done of some new outfits. He looked up at them and smiled and nodded.

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