Chapter 4: Dream Come True...Kind Of

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Estello stood across the street from the building where he would be working at.

"Ahh...Liberty of London. It was the pinnacle of fashion in the '70s. They carried all the best designers. And now, thanks to my darling (Y/n), I worked there."

Unfortunately, it wasn't quite what Estello was hoping for. Instead of sketching and designing fabulous outfits like he wanted, he was now on his hands and knees, scrubbing the floor of a bathroom.

"Ah, excuse me, sir."  Estello called out to a man named Gerald who was wearing a very sharp suit and carrying a clip board. "I had a thought about the front window..."

"I gave you your job description. Don't go outside of your engagement. Please." He replied, snobbishly.


Estello was clocking in when Gerald walked past. He opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted before he could get a word out.

"Not now." He cut him off.


Estello was scrubbing the floors when he walked by again.

"Ah! Sir..." Estello began.

"Not now." He replied, stepping on Estello's hand as we walked past.

Estello grunted in pain and rubbed his hand.


Estello now had his arms full of boxes and he was trying to place them on the shelves.

"No, no, no." He said to himself as he dropped the boxes that were in his arms.

At that moment, Gerald walked by and saw him. He gave Estello a disproving look and Estello gave him a weak smile.


While Estello was collecting the garbage, he peeked into the sewing room with a longing expression on his face. He turned and noticed his boss coming towards him and tried to speak with him only to be shut down again.


Estello knocked on Gerald's office door, as he was sitting in a chair eating a biscuit. As soon as he saw Estello, his expression became annoyed.

"Sir, I just want to say, I really am a dab hand with a needle if Alterations could use anything." He told him.

"Why are you talking and not cleaning?" He snapped. "Did you do all the bathrooms according to the regulations I gave you? Soap, water, mop, bleach, polish?"

"I did."

"In that order?"

"Yes. But alterations, you wouldn't-" Estello was cut off by the door slamming in his face. "Regret it." He finished with a sigh.


Estello made his way outside to put the garbage bags in the dumpster. He turned and saw Horace, Jasper, and (Y/n) standing there waiting for him.

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