Chapter 10: The Fashion Show

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The day of the fashion show that featured the Baroness's spring collection arrived. The workroom now had a catwalk in it, and people were sitting down waiting for the show to start. The Baroness stood at the top of the stairs looking over the event, John standing next to her.

"When Estello arrives, escort him to my office and hold him there." She whispered to him.

"Very good. Although I think you're wrong. It's not him." He said.

"Do I pay you for your opinions or for your obedience?" She snapped.

"Well, are you asking my opinion?" He asked.

The Baroness glared at him.

"I'll see it's done."

The Baroness descended down the stairs where Jeffery was, to see him fidgeting nervously.

"Speak." She said.


"What do you mean it's stuck, the guests are already arriving." She demanded.

The vault was stuck shut and they were trying to get it open.

"There's something no wrong with the lock, Your Ladyship." Jeffery said.

"I don't care what you have to do, get it open!"

The result was to melt the door of its hinges with blow torches. The door fell forward, no longer stuck.

However, once the door fell, dozens of moths came flying out of the vault. Everyone in the main area started screaming and running out of the building. The Baroness was still standing in front of the vault until all the moths and flown away. One landed on her shoulder but she just blew it away. When she looked in the vault her eyes widened in anger. The moths had chewed through all her outfits, and the beads on her signature piece weren't beads at all. The were cocoons.

"That little..."

As everyone was swarming out of the building, they noticed another event going on across the street. There was a catwalk and rock music playing, along with a fountain in the background, and the whole thing was covered in red lighting.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! I present to you..."


Rock music starts playing and a bunch of models started dancing. Artie was in the middle holding a microphone and singing.

"So messed up, I want ya here!"

The models started strutting up and down the catwalk, dancing and posing for the crowd.

"In my room, I want ya here!"

Soon enough, the crowd started dancing too.

Now we're gonna be face to face."


"It's gotta good beat." John commented from the window where he and the Baroness were watching.

The Baroness turned around and gave him a glare.

"The music." He clarified.


The dancers were all in a line and one by one they moved away, revealing Cruello and (Y/n) wearing coats of Dalmatian fur. Cruello grabbed (Y/n)'s hand and they started walking  down the catwalk together.

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