Shot 2

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Wow, am overwhelmed by the response to the story and for the care all of you have exhibited.

And I have good news for all of you.

I am finally home.

Thank you all for your good wishing.

Love you all.

And take care.

Now back to the story.

Shyam gulped seeing the Cinthana, his second wife and her family.

And also Aarvi his legal and first wife together with her family standing side by side.

Cinthana's brother Darsh was fuming in anger seeing Shyam and the family looked confused seeing the fear in his eyes.

"Those were the exact words you told my sister a few months ago after we caught you with that woman...... We thought you did not want to be in the public eye was because of your love for my sister not knowing you have other women around the country. " Darsh bellowed making Shyam flinch.

"He did the same to us too. " Hema the mother of Aarvi said looking at Shyam in disgust.

"What's going on here? " A confused Nani asked and Arnav moved towards her.

"Mrs Devyani Singh Raizada...... What is going on here is that your beloved damadji is not only married to these two women but is also cheating on them with numerous women. " Arnav revealed and Anjali stumbled backwards in shock and the others were no different. "This is Aarvi Barot...... The first and only legal wife of Shyam Manohar Jha and she is Cinthana Thevar, the second wife of Shyam and your beloved Anjali is the third wife. "

This shocked the family and they all looked at Shyam who was sweating profusely knowing he was a dead man.

"I told you all this guy was too good to be true...... Didn't I warn all of you but I became the villain and you Bhabhi accused me of not wanting your daughter to be happy...... Do you see the pattern of women he marries...... Our Aarvi is dead and mute..... Thevar's daughter is a cripple and she has a limp. " Sonali the aunt of Aarvi said and Aarvi's mother looked down in shame for not listening to her sister in law.

"So all this while you were going out on your so-called job, you were visiting your numerous wives and making a fool out of us...... I won't spare you Shyam. " Darsh threatened and was marching up to Shyam when a crying Cinthana held his hand shaking her head.

"Don't Bhai..... Please don't dirty your hand by touching this pig...... ASR opened our eyes and we better be grateful than anger...... Please take me out of here and am glad am his second because now I don't have to go through the stress associated with divorce. " Cinthana cried out and her brother kneeled in front of her and wiped her tears.

"Am so sorry I didn't do a background check on him before getting you married to him..... I thought since he helped me with my legal issues which were impossible for any lawyer to achieve, I blindly trusted him..... Am so sorry. " Darsh apologized and Cinthana shook her head.

Darsh stood up and moved towards Arnav.

"Thank you for everything..... I will forever be grateful to you...... And if you need us to help you with any legal case against him don't hesitate to call me. " Darsh said and Arnav nodded.

"Am not interested in pressing any charges against him because he is not my problem but her problem. " Arnav said pointing to Anjali who was crying in Mami's arms.

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